
ID Status Summary
1294 New Audio crackle Priority-Low
1293 New AttributeError: 'long' object has no attribute'split' Priority-Low
1292 New Lag Priority-Low
1290 New Frets are not working Priority-Low
1289 New Removing the 3 seconds of pause FoFix? Priority-Low
1285 Invalid ImportError: No module named _MixStream
1284 New Error Fofix Priority-Low
1283 New Game isn't distinguishing/remembering my solo frets... Priority-Low
1282 New Help! Priority-Low
1281 Fixed Multiple oggs cause game crash Priority-Low
1280 New Can I change the sentence of the game: "Jurgen is here" and "Ready to rock"? Priority-Low
1279 New Unexpected Exception - Drum as Controller 1 using Ai bot Priority-Low
1278 New Floating Point Exception in FoFiX 3.121 and git Priority-Low
1277 New 2PLAYER STRUM PROBLEM Priority-Low
1276 New Can't click anything on FoFix Priority-Low
1275 WontFix two player strumming problem Priority-Low
1274 New Tracks other than 'song' cannot be loaded Priority-Low
1273 Invalid Minor typo in "i18n Strings (Unicode)" Paragraph of Google Python classes Priority-Low
1272 New why yu no start up?? Priority-Low
1271 Duplicate add keyboard instrument support Priority-Low
1270 CantReproduce Fofix choosing drums when i choose guitar Priority-Low
1269 WontFix 8 Bit String Error on FoFiX 4.0 Alpha 1 Priority-Low
1268 Fixed FoFiX doesn't correctly parse Sysex MIDI events Priority-Low
1267 Invalid [ 13.772000] (E) Terminating due to unhandled exception: Priority-Low
1266 Invalid selecting song folder Priority-Low
1265 Invalid Fofix 3.121 will not launch on Windows 7 SP1 Priority-Low
1264 Invalid Google search - web tab not working properly Priority-Low
1263 New FoFiX doesn't work completely with utf-8. It goes around 3.x and 4.x ver. of game. Priority-Low
1262 New Browsing songs crash only on one folder Priority-Low
1261 WontFix A painful patch Priority-Low
1260 Accepted Available versions of pyrtmidi library have broken compatability with FoFiX 3.121 Priority-Low
1259 New Drum frets dont show hit state, and underlying code doesnt properly detect multiple hits at the same time. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic Milestone-Release-4.0.0 Visual
1258 New fofix crashes when started with 'Unhandled exception' Priority-Low
1257 New Connection lost/database error after adding band hero drum Priority-Low
1256 Invalid my user name has been changed i did not do it i thunk it was signiture change
1255 Invalid Bug in google translator Priority-Low
1254 New Lyrics display rapidly an extra time at the end of a chart Priority-Low
1253 New TickCount does not have a 64 bit equivalent on osx Priority-Low
1252 Invalid FoFiX Vocal Problem lsit indices must be integers, not nontype
1251 New res 1360x768 Priority-Low
1250 New How about animated .gif as avatars? Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
1249 New FoFix 4.0.0 for the Mac Priority-Low
1248 Invalid Search list order not displaying correctly Priority-Low
1247 New Fofix 4.0 setlist issue Priority-Low
1246 New fofix crashes at startup with Illegal instruction output Priority-Low
1245 New "Connection Lost" while browsing songs folder Priority-Low
1244 Invalid dfdfd
1243 New guitar sound does not come Priority-Low
1242 Fixed Video Stage don't re-start when re-start the song Priority-Medium Type-MinorDefect
1241 Done need help with fofix 4 videos Component-Docs
1240 New Have vocals on multiplayer mode Priority-Low
1239 New Add MIDI Support when using Python 2.6? Priority-Low
1238 Fixed Preview makes game crash Type-Defect
1237 New FoFiX incorrectly displays lyrics as vocal percussion Priority-Low
1236 WontFix Song container Priority-Low
1235 Invalid Search Results option
1234 Invalid Some Improvements Request...
1233 Accepted Pro Drums Priority-Low Type-WishList Milestone-Release-4.0.0
1232 Duplicate Auto Bass sucks
1231 New Drum fill end-on options Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
1230 Accepted Add Expert+ difficulty Priority-Low Type-WishList
1229 Invalid Tempo Change Issue
1228 Verified Crashes when song starts Priority-Low
1227 Accepted Add special handling for XInput controllers. Priority-Lowest Type-WishList
1226 New Blue fret problem Priority-Low
1225 Invalid WHY does the auto bass suck SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH
1224 Done Wrong link to Arch package in wiki and front page (quick fix)
1223 Invalid Apply Nagle algorithm to Google Instant feature
1222 Duplicate Play notes while holding a sustained note Priority-Low
1221 CantReproduce when 1/100 of the notes are hit, it displays 5 gold stars.
1220 Done Fofix wont start Priority-Low
1219 Invalid Able to attach .exe file without a warning (Security Issue) Priority-Low
1218 Fixed Error loading center lines Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect
1217 Fixed Python Error in, Line 6705, in render bigFont.render(text, (self.countdownPosX - w / 2, self.countdownPosY - h / 2), scale = scale) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'float' Priority-Low
1216 CantReproduce Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
1215 Fixed neck.vert shader incorrectly multiplies float by int Priority-Low
1214 Done Linux Segmentation Fault Priority-Low
1213 Fixed Video player leaks Priority-Low
1212 Invalid no any progrma I can use to add lyrics Priority-Low
1211 Invalid Problem with vocals Priority-Low
1210 New Random Crash when opening, worked fine before. Priority-Low
1209 Invalid Falla para cargar canciones Priority-Low
1208 Invalid Linux Microphone Support Priority-Low
1207 New MidiSectionsMappedOut wiki article has some inaccuracies Priority-Low Type-Enhancement Component-Docs
1206 New Hitglows' color hard-coded Type-Defect Priority-Medium Visual
1205 Duplicate Online Playing Priority-Low
1204 Duplicate Guitar Hero Drum Suppot in FoFix 4.0
1203 New FoFiX doesn't correctly read lyric phrases that don't implement padding Type-Defect Priority-Medium
1202 Invalid little problem Priority-Low
1201 Invalid Subfolders "LIST ALL" crashes Priority-Low
1200 Duplicate Untranslatable text Priority-Low
1199 Started Untranslatable text Type-MinorDefect Priority-Medium
1198 Done Can't open songs! Priority-Low
1197 Invalid It miscounted a note (or a problem with not streak, not sure, it's weird) Priority-Low
1196 Invalid google earth crash under openSuse 11 after libs update Priority-Low
1195 Invalid Guitar Hero World Tour (PS2) controller whammy not working. Priority-Low
1194 New Guitar Hero Drum rolls (hold notes for drums) Type-WishList Priority-VeryLow
1193 Invalid Fof crash on launch Priority-Low
1192 Invalid Notes turned 90 degrees when returning from alpha (r2038) to stable FoFix Priority-Low
1191 Invalid OS resolution not coming back Priority-Low