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fofix - issue #1283

Game isn't distinguishing/remembering my solo frets...

Posted on Dec 9, 2012 by Happy Horse

Describe the problem. What did you expect? What do you see?

I have a RB controller with five regular frets and five solo ones, whenever I try to set them up, the game just deletes the entries and the keys don't work at all, and I really don't have any more buttons to make it into a "solo shift" guitar" without making it murderous on me to do that. List the steps to recreate the problem. 1.Go into settings, configure a new controller. 2.Set up the regular and solo frets. 3.Leave the configurator and return, and BAM! the entries for the solo frets are erased.

What version are you using? Include the FoFiX version, the Python version, your operating system, and whether it is Git, alpha, beta, RC, or final release. (If it's Git, please include the commit hash.)

Version: FoFiX v3.121 Final. Did you read the wiki on how to report bugs, conveniently called ReportingBugs? If this is a bug report, please include the log file!

Please provide any additional information below.

Status: New
