Describe the problem. What did you expect? What do you see?
List the steps to recreate the problem. 1.Open FoFix 2.Select "career" or "QuickPlay" 3.try to navigate deeper than the Setlist directory
What version are you using? Include the FoFiX version, the Python version, your operating system, and whether it is Git, alpha, beta, RC, or final release. (If it's Git, please include the commit hash.)
FoFiX Version 3.120, Hackintosh 10.5.8, Python 2.6
Did you read the wiki on how to report bugs, conveniently called ReportingBugs? If this is a bug report, please include the log file!
FoFiX.INI unable to find .log file unable to find .exe.log file <-- A video of the problem.
Please provide any additional information below.
The folder for the songs was copied straight from Windows 7 X64 (Known working). when navigating the SetList, I can play any song within the SetList directory, but I am unable to navigate any deeper within the structure, leaving my GH2/GH3 sets unusable.
Status: New