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fofix - issue #1192

Notes turned 90 degrees when returning from alpha (r2038) to stable FoFix

Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy Kangaroo

Describe the problem. What did you expect? What do you see? I have tried the svn version of FoFiX (revision 2038) and I really like it. I however was wondering why a particular song wasn't detected as a song by version 4, so I went back to the 3.120 version. However, when I now play any song the notes are flipped 90 degrees to the side (I have no idea which axis that is, please check the screenshot for that)

List the steps to recreate the problem. 1.Play the 3.120 version 2.Play the r2038 version 3.Play the 3.120 version

What version are you using? Include the FoFiX version, the Python version, your operating system, and whether it is SVN (alpha), beta, RC, or final release.

FoFix 3.120: this svn url: http://fofix.googlecode.com/svn/MFH-Mod/tags/Release_3.120_final Note: I just updated to 3.121 and the problem still persists FoFix 4.0.0: this svn url: http://fofix.googlecode.com/svn/MFH-Mod/trunk I am using Ubuntu 10.04 (upgraded from 9.10) I am running Python 2.6.5 (as python -V states)

Did you read the wiki on how to report bugs, conveniently called ReportingBugs? If this is a bug report, please include the log file!

Please provide any additional information below. I guess this is some kind of a configuration file conflict. (And I have no idea where the config file is located on my pc, but it's probably the default location).


Comment #1

Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Happy Lion

Issue set to invalid due to one or more of the following reasons: 1) Age. This issue is considered abandoned. 2) Unrelated. The issue isn't related to FoFiX. 3) Fluke. The issue cannot be reproduced or was fixed long ago. (AKA: It's just you.)

Feel free to reply if you are certain the issue still exists and is relevant to FoFiX.

Status: Invalid
