Google Code was launched in 2006, with the goal of making it easier to collaborate with others on open-source software. It offered Subversion, Mercurial, and Git source code hosting. It soon expanded to offer wikis, downloads, and even issue tracking.

But alas, in 2015 Google bid farewell to the service, which had since been eclipsed by other, richer open-source project hosting providers.

The Google Code Archive hosts the public project data that was housed on and related domains. While it only provides a read-only view of projects, it should be sufficient to resurrect an open-source project that didn't migrate elsewhere.


The Google Code Archive's data is hosted on Google Cloud Storage. Data is retrieved using the JSON API. Documentation for the Google Code Archive data can be found here.

Redirecting Projects

If you are an administrator of a Google Code project and wish to put a URL redirect in place to its new home on the internet, please contact Be sure to include the name of the Google Code project and the URL to redirect to.

Deleting Projects

If you are an administrator of a Google Code project and wish to delete it from the archive, please contact

If you are not the administrator of a project and wish to remove it from the archive, for example to issue a lawful DMCA request, please use this form. When prompted for which Google product the request relates to, select "Other Projects" and then "Code".