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fofix - issue #1197

It miscounted a note (or a problem with not streak, not sure, it's weird)

Posted on Jun 22, 2010 by Massive Bear

Describe the problem. What did you expect? What do you see?

I was playing a song (Savior by Skillet, URL: http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=47748&p=532469#p532469 ) and it has 901 notes according to the note counter ingame and EOF. I was playing it (and recording it) for an FC, and everything's going good, haven't missed a note, my note streak's been going the whole song, and I hit the last note. 900?? Where's 901??

I replayed the recording in slow-mo, and I definitely hit the first and last notes, meaning either it miscounted a note in the middle or it continued my note streak on a miss. After further investigating the recording, it seems as if either it skipped counting note 666 (lol, seriously) or I missed it and it continued my note streak (but didn't count me playing it). Either way, that's a bug. It's impossible to hit the first and last notes of a 901 note song and have a 900 note streak (rather than a 901).

Here's a video of it (watch with annotations, and at the end I show it in slow-mo): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHuMS2Uj19Y

List the steps to recreate the problem. Good luck reproducing this one, but okay... 1. Play the song I linked 2. Try to FC it 3. Maybe it will do the same thing

By the way, Jurgen beat this song just fine (100%) if that makes a difference :P

What version are you using? Include the FoFiX version, the Python version, your operating system, and whether it is SVN (alpha), beta, RC, or final release.

Arch Linux x86_64 fully updated Python 2.6.5 FoFiX 3.121

Did you read the wiki on how to report bugs, conveniently called ReportingBugs? If this is a bug report, please include the log file!

Yes, but the logfile has no relevant information.

Please provide any additional information below.

Think I got all the important details above. Watch the video and this will make much more sense.

Comment #1

Posted on Jun 22, 2010 by Massive Bear

Crap, misspelled note streak in the title facepalm Can someone fix that?

Comment #2

Posted on Sep 1, 2010 by Happy Lion

Issue set to invalid due to one or more of the following reasons: 1) Age. This issue is considered abandoned. 2) Unrelated. The issue isn't related to FoFiX. 3) Fluke. The issue cannot be reproduced or was fixed long ago. (AKA: It's just you.)

Feel free to reply if you are certain the issue still exists and is relevant to FoFiX.

Status: Invalid
