Posted on Dec 6, 2010 by
Swift Hippo
Tried to set controls with my Roland TD-6 on FoFiX 3.121 Python 2.6 but it didn't recognize my hits (like nothing was plugged in). Downloaded FoFiX 3.121 Python 2.4 and it mapped them perfectly. Does Python 2.6 not support MIDI input?
Both downloads were the .7z, NOT exe installers, if thats important.
Did this get discarded somehow, or is there some incompatibility with Python 2.6 and MIDI inputs?
If any more info is needed, I can provide. The MIDI inputs also worked fine on DTXMania, so its just FoFiX 2.6.
Comment #1
Posted on Dec 8, 2010 by Massive Catusing FoFiX 3.121 Python 2.6 here with midi drumkit just fine
Status: New