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ID Status Summary
460 Started Does not connect to GT-750F - connection process does not return Type-Defect Priority-Medium
459 New failed to open a Bluetooth connection error after latest update Type-Defect Priority-Medium
458 New l2cap_require_security_level_2_for_outgoing_sdp() doesn't work as it should Type-Defect Priority-Medium
457 Invalid Does BTstack GPS support Foreflight Type-Defect Priority-Medium
456 New Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap.c Type-Patch
455 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap.c Type-Patch
454 WontFix btstack failing to connect/hold a connection Type-Defect Priority-Medium
453 New Patch for /trunk/chipset-cc256x/bt_control_cc256x.c Type-Patch
452 New Patch for /trunk/chipset-cc256x/bt_control_cc256x.c Type-Patch
451 New ipad 3 with snes9x + with a wiimote classic Type-Defect Priority-low Performance
450 Invalid Help - how to find btstack_packet_handler_t definition Type-Patch
449 WontFix Help: understanding the binary representation of a Bluetooth address Type-Patch
448 Fixed Patch for /trunk/src/hci_cmds.c Type-Patch
447 New Patch for /trunk/include/btstack/hci_cmds.h Type-Patch
446 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap_signaling.c Type-Patch
445 Fixed Patch for /trunk/platforms/posix/src/hci_transport_h2_libusb.c Type-Patch
444 WontFix BTStack GPS 1.9 Seems to Not Work on iPad 4 with OS 8.1.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
443 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/rfcomm.c Type-Patch
442 WontFix Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap_signaling.c Type-Patch
441 Started Patch for /trunk/src/rfcomm.c Type-Patch
440 New Patch for /trunk/example/embedded/bnep_test.c Type-Patch
439 New Patch for /trunk/ble/l2cap_le.c Type-Patch
438 New Patch for /trunk/ble/l2cap_le.c Type-Patch
437 New Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap_signaling.c Type-Patch
436 New Patch for /trunk/ble/l2cap_le.c Type-Patch
435 WontFix 2 wiimotes won't connect, BTStack, iOS 8 woes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
434 New Patch for /trunk/src/l2cap.c Type-Patch
433 WontFix 3rd party controller not connecting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
432 WontFix BTC Mouse: Is there a way to remove the "mouse pointer"? Type-Other Priority-Medium
431 Duplicate btstack no longer working for wii remote Type-Defect Priority-High Performance Usability
430 New Wii mote not connecting to Open Gl Es Demo? (Iphone 4s 16gb ios 8.1.2 Type-Defect Priority-Critical
429 Started Cygwin and MSYS2/MinGW64 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
428 Fixed BTstack GPS - Compatibility with iOS 8 Type-Other Priority-Critical Usability
427 Fixed SPP Example - Device Pairing fails 99% because SDP doesnt seem to broadcast the SPP service all the time Type-Defect Priority-Medium
426 New Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Type-Defect Priority-Medium
425 Fixed BTstack GPS: Accuracy not permitting to show position. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
424 Fixed Disabling debug/info output prevents compiling Type-Defect Priority-Medium
423 Fixed utils: sscan_link_key uses too much indirection Type-Defect Priority-Medium
422 New Daemon crashes if HCI commands are issued over USB too fast Type-Defect Priority-Medium
421 Fixed BTStack GPS 1.8-1 won't connect to Holux GPSlim 236 under IOS 7.1.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
420 Fixed L2CAP services unregister doesn't work on client disconnect Type-Defect Priority-Medium
419 Accepted hci.c will only accept incoming connections in Slave role Type-Defect Priority-Low
418 Fixed BTStack GPS 1.8-1 won't connect to Holux GPSlim 240 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
417 WontFix problems with RFCOMM connection Type-Other Priority-Medium
416 Fixed hci_number_free_acl_slots: handle 0x0000 not in connection list Type-Defect Priority-Medium
415 Fixed hci_number_free_acl_slots_for_handle() returns wrong value for LE address types on dual mode controller Type-Defect Priority-Medium
414 Fixed Wrong definitions in hci_cmds.h Type-Defect Priority-Medium
413 Duplicate BTStack breaks bluetooth Type-Defect Priority-Medium
412 Fixed After a successfully SDP query completes, the next one fails Type-Defect Priority-High
411 WontFix BTstack - Bluetooth Unavailable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
410 New BTstack Keyboard 1.5: '"Activating BTstack . . ." Type-Defect Priority-Medium
409 New Nyko pro commander Type-Defect Priority-Medium
408 Fixed SDP_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE events generated by the daemon have invalid fields Type-Defect Priority-Medium
407 Accepted Port: PIC32MX Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
406 Fixed Stack can get into state of refusing to send commands or packets. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
405 Fixed SDP query fails after dedicated bonding completes Type-Defect Priority-Critical
404 Fixed Cancel l2cap rtx timer before freeing a channel Type-Defect Priority-Critical
403 WontFix First item is sometimes skipped when iterating through linked lists Type-Defect Priority-Critical
402 Done daemon: Use after free when clients with active rfcomm connections disconnects Type-Defect Priority-Critical
401 New Allow non UART hci transport layers to use a config struct Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
400 Fixed Allow safe removal of data sources in the posix run loop Type-Defect Priority-High
399 Fixed daemon: RFCOMM services query not stopped when client disconnects Type-Defect Priority-High
398 Fixed socket_connection_send_packet called with NULL in the daemon Type-Defect Priority-High
397 Fixed Data sources and memory leaks in hci_transport_usv Type-Defect Priority-Medium
396 Fixed In hci_transport_usb, make sure close wasn't called before resubmitting transfers Type-Defect Priority-Critical
395 Fixed Use after free in rfcomm_multiplexer_state_machine Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All
394 New microsoft mobile memory mouse 8000 does not pair Type-Defect Priority-Medium
393 Fixed does not run on Python 3.x. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
392 WontFix iOS 7 crash Type-Defect Priority-Critical
391 New Blutool issues Type-Defect Priority-Medium
390 Invalid Help! Been Dealing with for Three Weeks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
389 WontFix Controller for All: can't connect controller Type-Defect Priority-Medium
388 Done BTStack GPS version 1.8-1 crash IPAD 3 running IOS 7.0.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
387 New sdp_try_respond is static, cannot be called when HCI transport is freed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
386 New sdp_packet_handler function name conflict Type-Defect Priority-Medium
385 New l2cap_emit_channel_closed does not indicate connection handle Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
384 Duplicate DUN-Server support to allow a client, such as a MB Comand, the usage of the internet connection of iPhone Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
383 Done compiler error for parse_service_search_response Type-Defect Priority-Low
382 Accepted Placement and behaviour of bt_control_t->next_cmd Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
381 Fixed L2CAP fragmentation and recombination Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
380 Fixed how to change local name? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
379 Accepted bdaddr flipping everywhere Type-Review Priority-Low
378 Fixed Reject connection when PSM == SDP Type-Defect Priority-High
377 Accepted Handle baud rate change for CSR modules Type-Defect Priority-Medium
376 WontFix Disconnection problems with PS3 Dualshock 3 on iOS 7.0.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
375 Done BTstack mouse making springboard crush ios 7.0.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
374 WontFix BTstack's compatibility with Controller for all iOS 7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
373 WontFix SSP problem with Windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
372 New debug funneling can be more flexible Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
371 New rename MAX_NO_BLAH to MAX_NUM_BLAH Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
370 New make hci_stack extern Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
369 Fixed restructure run_loop slightly, better for MCUs Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
368 WontFix Can't Pair Device Type-Defect Priority-Medium
367 WontFix BTstack Mouse doesn't work outside the app on iOS 6 and it's broken on iOS 7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
366 Duplicate Btstack mouse not working? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
365 WontFix Blutro/Celeste 2/... not working on iOS 7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
364 New Rii Mini Remote not working with BTC Mouse + Trackpad on iPad 1 iOS 5.1.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
363 WontFix ipad 3 crash ios 7.0.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
362 Duplicate There an error loading the preference bundle for BTsTack ipad air 7.0.4 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
361 Fixed iOS 7 support Type-Defect Priority-Medium