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btstack - issue #412

After a successfully SDP query completes, the next one fails

Posted on Aug 6, 2014 by Swift Dog

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Start an sdp query from a bt client (using sdp_client_query_services command, for example). 2. When the SDP_QUERY_COMPLETE event arrives, start another query. 3. Most of the times (not always), the query will fail with error 0x81 (SDP_QUERY_INCOMPLETE). It seems that the request is not even sent.

I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but if I add a short sleep between the queries, or try again - it works.

Comment #1

Posted on Aug 8, 2014 by Swift Ox

hi. would you have a hci_dunp.pklg for such a case at hand and could post it here (or send by mail) please?

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 21, 2014 by Happy Kangaroo

SDP Query is now sent after closing L2CAPP connection. SVN Rev. 2744

Status: Fixed

Type-Defect Priority-High