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ID Status Summary
358 New Quicksilver doesn't autostart when I turn on my mac - using Mountain Lion
357 New Run trigger using applescript or terminal command
356 New Clipboard History not work! Appears CLEAN!
355 New Quicksilver quits unexpectedly
354 New Quicksilver doesn't start correctly
353 New Quicksilver doesn't start correctly
352 New Quicksilver doesn't start correctly
351 Accepted DO NOT POST BUG REPORTS HERE Priority-Critical
350 WontFix When I press "Hot Key" F2 rather than open, I get a chime sound?
348 fixed Quicksilver forgets custom triggers to website
347 fixed Quicksilver crashed after set tags to file that already have it
346 Fixed Cyberduck plugin not working anymore -- who has the source?
345 fixed Quicksilver displays behind the frontmost window.
344 fixed Open Mail opens with "no mailbox selected" - wanted inbox
343 fixed Quicksilver Will Not Update or Connect To Internet for Plugins
342 fixed quicklookd infinit loop and possible vmem leak
341 fixed application folder is not available when you type in the translation
340 fixed iTunes "Search Tracks" Trigger opens in Quicktime.
339 fixed QS Snow Leopard 64-bit & the SHIFT KEY
338 fixed Sudden crash Quicksilver, after initial installation. ß57 (3840)
337 fixed Quicksilver crashes under system Snow Leopard 10.6.4
336 fixed Command window opens with focus on Action instead of Subject
335 fixed Blank Preferences Pane
334 fixed Address Book Module Does Not Work
333 fixed Restricting Quicsilver to Mac side only
332 fixed Trigger Name Field Captures Hot Keys, Not Input
331 fixed quicksilver becomes unseponsive
330 fixed Quicksilver Does Not See Some Folders.
329 fixed Current "Report a Bug" menu directs user here, where bugs are ignored
328 fixed Cannot type into search
327 fixed Quicksilver corrupts screen memory on Snow Leopard
326 fixed Email item (send directly) suddonly stopped working
325 fixed Custom Trigger loses arrow on checkbox
324 fixed Triggers disable automatically if switching to an application beyond their scope
323 fixed Command Window with Selection does not work
322 fixed Quicksilver and Snow Leopard 10.6.2
321 WontFix Using Arrow Keys as a trigger
320 fixed DO NOT POST BUG REPORTS HERE Priority-Critical
319 WontFix Quicksilver always launches in text mode w/o hitting period key. I have reinstalled QS several times and nothing changes
318 WontFix Crash, checking for updates?
317 WontFix preferences panel not loading
316 WontFix Trigger "Command with selection" doesnt work
315 WontFix Quicksilver doesn't open applications on ENTER or close on ESC in Snow Leopard
314 WontFix Plugin list empty for all but installed modules
313 WontFix Modifier-only activation does not work unless quicksilver in foreground
312 WontFix Quicksilver B57 (3840) does not accept any type input
311 WontFix Double modifier only works when Quicksilver is the latest application active.
310 WontFix iTunes trigger "Show Playing Track" doesn't work any more (b56a7 3838(ab))
309 WontFix QS keyboard shortcut stopped working
308 WontFix Quicksilver hangs, memory used shoots up to 1.6 GB
307 WontFix 18-1NDAlias ERROR: you neglected to call closeFile: before disposing this NDResourceFork
306 WontFix Quicksilver does not properly update its input method
305 WontFix Launch grupped triggers with HotKey
304 WontFix HotKey for typing text "" beeps and borks
303 WontFix Installed plug-ins disappear and can one only be reinstalled
302 Fixed Fix deprecated code in NDHotKeyEvent.m (diff attached)
301 WontFix Triggers don't appear in the Catalog
300 WontFix HTML Data prefixes items in Clipboard History
299 WontFix "Triggers" page comes up blank
298 Fixed File Tagging Module crashes QS (fix included)
297 Verified "Spotlight in Command" crashes QS (fix included)
296 WontFix App crashed
295 WontFix modifier key only activation does not work
294 WontFix Can't open 56a7 under Snow Leopard
293 WontFix Change 'Use Effects' to 'false' in QSDefaults
292 WontFix standard "folders" and "apps" only found as english name searches
291 WontFix β56a7 (3825) on Snow Leopard crashed on installing pluggin - now crashes on boot
290 WontFix "Large Type" contents flash on screen, disappear immediately
289 WontFix Quicksilver B56a7 Memory Leak on Snow Leopard
288 WontFix Unable to use F1, F2... keys for Trigger
287 WontFix Can't use make new action to a directory with a period in the directory name
286 WontFix Browsing disk structure
285 WontFix Emailing with Entourage
284 WontFix Run command in Shell action (Terminal module) crashes in B56a7
283 WontFix Address Book search does not search All Contacts
282 WontFix Unable to set HotKey Activation to anything but Control (^)
281 WontFix Can't open item in Shelf on SL
280 WontFix Open directory in terminal action does not appear for desktop folders
279 WontFix Hitting Double "modyfier key" wont work
278 WontFix Copying a file to a restricted directory should prompt user for authentication
277 WontFix Clipboard History Not showing
276 WontFix multi language app naming [native language set] won't be seen!
275 WontFix current web page not working in b56a7
274 WontFix quick look on single folder select in column view
273 WontFix Quicksilver B56a7 crashes whenever I try to install plug-ins after first installation
272 WontFix Previewing Primer theme crashes Quicksilver
271 WontFix Font for function keys does not show properly
270 WontFix Quicksilver interrupts connection with time capsule
269 Invalid Quicksilver Slows on Macs Running Tiger
268 WontFix Web Search not work
267 WontFix Quicksilver crashes with no warning due to a EXC_BAD_ACCESS & KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000000b0186fec
266 Invalid Quicksilver doesn't open in Snow Leopard
265 WontFix Certain applications disappeared from the catalog.
264 Invalid Preference Pane Problem
263 WontFix Run after delay
262 WontFix web search display incorrect in bezel in 3285
261 WontFix Playing a song in iTunes and having it selected in the player
260 WontFix language versions app not correct
259 Duplicate Quicksilver switches to space it was opened on