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blacktree-quicksilver - issue #300

HTML Data prefixes items in Clipboard History

Posted on Nov 5, 2009 by Swift Panda

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, QuickSilver now displays "HTML Data" above items in my QS Clipboard History that were copied to the clipboard from Firefox? Strangely this doesn't happen from Safari, nor from the Finder... it seems to just happen from Firefox???

View a screenshot of this strange behavior using this link: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/54787/Screenshots/qs-clipboard-html-data.png

I would really like to resolve this issue so that the "HTML Data" prefix is no longer displayed (as it has become more difficult to visually identify items in my clipboard history than it was before when this behavior didn't happen)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!

-----TECH DETAILS-----

  • QuickSilver B56a7 (3825)
  • Snow Leopard 10.6.1
  • Firefox 3.5.4

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 12, 2009 by Happy Bear

and in text copied from word as well. makes it unusable, since it then pastes as a hyperlink...

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 1, 2010 by Happy Horse

Closed to try and stop confusion as this is no longer used for reporting bugs. Please re-open the ticket if it's still applicable AFTER trying the latest version, which can be downloaded from: http://github.com/tiennou/blacktree-alchemy/downloads

Updated plugins can be downloaded from: http://github.com/tiennou/blacktree-elements/downloads

Go to http://github.com/tiennou/blacktree-alchemy/issues to report bugs on Quicksilver

and http://github.com/tiennou/blacktree-elements/issues to report bugs on Plugins

Status: WontFix