What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Attempting to open the Preferences pane either by hotkey or directly from menu.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expect to see list of Preference options. Frame is instead blank.
What version of the product (including Quicksilver version, AND the module version related to the buggy functionality if appropriate) are you using? On what operating system? β54 (3815) on OS X 10.6.4
Please provide any additional information below, and please attach the corresponding crash log under ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter if your problem ends this way.
- screen-capture.png 72.71KB
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 5, 2010 by Quick Rabbiti have also had the same problem where i click on prefrences within the guide then nothing happens
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 7, 2010 by Massive WombatDoes any body from the developer ever answer any questions?
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 7, 2010 by Quick Rabbiti actually figured it out but we have the wrong version you need b57 and not b54
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 22, 2011 by Happy HorseIf you would like this bug to be followed up. Please submit it to
FOR THE QUICKSILVER APPLICATION https://github.com/quicksilver/Quicksilver/issues
FOR QUICKSILVER PLUGINS https://github.com/quicksilver/plugins/issues
Status: fixed