
ID Status Summary
70 New Object issue Type-Defect Priority-Medium
69 New Player matching and data relay Type-Enhancement Usability
68 New Request for Additional Functionality Type-Enhancement Usability
67 New Request for Additional Functionality Type-Enhancement Usability
66 New Request for Additional Functionality Type-Enhancement Usability
65 Accepted Dq's and crashes under Win7 Ultimate x64 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
64 New Request for Additional Functionality Type-Enhancement Usability
63 New Request for Additional Functionality Type-Enhancement Usability
62 Postponed EggUpdater crash on launch Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-Windows Component-Logic
61 Done Opponents unable to load decks Type-Defect Priority-Low
60 Started EggUpdater fails after downloading the new update.xml file. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic
59 Fixed Attachments issue on OS X Type-Defect Priority-Medium
58 Done Error Reading JPG Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI
57 Fixed "Show to Opponent" no longer works properly Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI Performance
56 WontFix Program crashes immediately upon opening on Vista-32 Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows Performance
55 Fixed Plain Text tab shows wrong number of fate cards in deck. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI
54 Duplicate Error on closing editor Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Duplicate When you start a new game, the favor does not reset Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 Fixed Favor icon won't reset when starting another game. Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI Usability
51 Fixed Issue with makeing new cards - when playing with several different players. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 Postponed Show card images in the Fate hand Type-Enhancement Usability Component-UI
49 WontFix Moveability of Hand to the RH Hand side Type-Enhancement Usability
48 WontFix Sizeable fonts for card list in hand Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
47 Duplicate Change Font sixe of Fate hand titles Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Low Milestone-Update9.1 Component-UI
46 WontFix "Keep this card bowed" Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Medium Milestone-Update9.1
45 WontFix Upgrade overwrote preferences Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-Persistence Usability
44 WontFix Deck editor now always generates an error. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Logic Milestone-Update9.1 Performance
43 Fixed Supress and Load out-of-date deck files Type-Enhancement Usability Milestone-Update9.1 Priority-High Component-UI
42 Duplicate Show preview for fate hand cards when you mouse over them. Type-Enhancement Usability Component-UI Component-Logic Milestone-Update9.1
41 Duplicate Attachment bow = Attachment disattachment Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 Fixed (Legacy) keyword Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Duplicate attached cards becoming unattached Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Postponed Check version of cards.xml when starting a game. Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Medium Milestone-Update9.1 Component-Logic Performance
36 Done trouble starting up a game Type-Defect Priority-Medium Performance
35 Fixed Manipulating discard and dead piles Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Update9.1 Component-UI
34 Fixed Facedown cards flip on doubleclick Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Low Milestone-Update9.1
33 Fixed Remove "Monkey" from minor clan list Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Update9.1 Component-Logic Usability
32 Fixed Develop XML schema for filter lists Type-Documentation Component-Docs Priority-High Milestone-Update9.1
31 Fixed Come up with XML schema for saving user settings Type-Documentation Component-Docs Milestone-Update9.1 Priority-High
30 Fixed Just noticed on 0.9.0 that when you now double click an attachment to bow it, it becomes detached. Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Update9.1 Component-UI Usability
29 Fixed Move all game data to external files Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-High Milestone-Update9.1 Maintainability Component-Persistence
28 Fixed Add "Celestial Edition" to the filters list Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows Milestone-Update9.1 Usability Component-Logic
27 WontFix Start in play with a holding Type-Enhancement Usability Component-Logic Component-UI
26 Fixed Deck Editor needs to be able to filter on "CE" edition cards. Type-Enhancement Usability Milestone-Update9.1 Component-Logic
25 Fixed Code Order Draws Stronghold into Hand Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Logic
24 Fixed Can't show face down card to opponent. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI Component-Logic Usability
23 Postponed Add Provinces Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Medium Component-UI Milestone-Release1.0
22 Duplicate Place 4 Dynasty Cards (Provinces) on the playfield at start Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Medium Component-UI
21 Fixed Add auto-draw functionality when the game starts Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Medium Component-Logic Component-UI
20 Fixed Convert the DevelopersInstall.wiki to Text of HTML file Type-Documentation Component-Docs Priority-Low
19 Fixed Add "put on bottom of deck" to right click menu. Type-Enhancement Usability Component-UI
18 Invalid The field stops redrawing Type-Defect Priority-Medium Performance
17 Fixed Possible Quick flip option Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Usability
16 Fixed Add Deck importer for TheGame and Gempukku decks Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Low Component-Logic
15 Fixed Impossible to filter for Toturi's Army cards Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI Usability
14 Fixed Can't easily put cards on deck bottoms Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI Usability
13 Fixed Change the card text font to a more readable font Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Low Component-UI
12 Postponed Add an option to show only the Current/Most recent release editions Type-Enhancement Usability Component-UI
11 Fixed Attachment checklist in the options dialog is too small Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI
10 Fixed Cards can't be destroyed until markers are removed Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Logic Usability
9 Fixed Order of release sets and Clan list needs to be changed Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI Usability
8 Postponed Display bug when using a custom backdrop Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows Component-UI Performance
7 Done Winds are missing from the card types being displayed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Duplicate Winds are missing from the card types being displayed Type-Defect Priority-Low
5 Done Markers not being removed via menu Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic Performance
4 Postponed Program throws OpenGL error in win2003 Type-Defect Priority-Low OpSys-Windows Component-UI Performance
3 Fixed Add "Import Deck" functionality Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-Low
2 Done Error - Can't find Win32 when running compiled exe Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-Windows Performance
1 Done Make a button to remove markers from all cards. Type-Enhancement Usability