Please come up with a schema for saving the filter list values in an XML file.
This includes:
card types (, line 28) --- this should also include attributes to show which deck (Dynasty|Fate|None) and "HasGoldCost"
factions (, line 31)
minorClans (, line 33)
legalityFormats (, line 41)
sets (sets.dat) (, line 43) --- we should have a set name and a list of editions it is legal for.
Comment #1
Posted on May 28, 2009 by Swift PandaCommit #82 Filters are now loaded via XML file filters.xml in main program directory.
The following schema is used:
entire set of filters contained here *required *required Type of Filter *required short name of filter *required UI / Long name of filter *required dynasty | fate | none *optional true | false *optional short name of set *optional
Filters list is currently only loaded at application startup. Any changes to filters.xml require a reload of the software.
Please QA and close Issue.
Comment #2
Posted on May 28, 2009 by Swift Panda(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Fixed