What steps will reproduce the problem? I tried (for 2 hours) yesterday to set up a game online. when I tried to submit a deck I couldn't. and then it froze. I belive that this might stem from trying to connect with a player using a different card list? that his was up to date and mine wasn't? (I just noticed that the cardlist on the site was more recent than mine).
Also we had the opposite happen I could submit my deck but he couldn't.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? latest, with the next to latest card.xml on a vista system connecting through both hamachi and directly
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 21, 2009 by Helpful KangarooDid you update your cards.xml file to the newest available (for both players)?
Please try this and let me know if it works.
Also, there should be an eopk.log or eopk.exe.log file in the program directory. If you could attach this to this bug it would be helpful.
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 27, 2009 by Happy CatDownloading the latest card list did indeed work. I had reinstalled eopk already so the logs were empty. I suggest a initial chech to se wether the lists are comptible and a error message if not.
Comment #3
Posted on Jan 27, 2009 by Helpful KangarooI'll look into setting up a check against an opponents version of cards.xml
The trouble is that the cards.xml has no version number, just a "version" string. It's slightly different for "samurai only" or "complete" versions: or
So I will need to come up with a way to work with this.
Comment #4
Posted on Jan 27, 2009 by Helpful KangarooI have opened issue37 to work on this.
Status: Done