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eopk - issue #29

Move all game data to external files

Posted on Jan 13, 2009 by Helpful Kangaroo

Currently, there are several items, mainly deck editor filter lists, that are written as array (tuples) in the code files.

We should move this data to external files for easier updating later.

Maybe we should look at storing the data in xml format as well.

Reason for addition or change: This will ease updates, maintainability and future functionality development.

What version of EoPK are you currently using?0.9.0

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 13, 2009 by Swift Panda

As I said in i28, I'm ok with xml as a data storage unit. I can come up with a schema for the data files.

We would need a validator to ensure the xml file is the proper format and we would need a parser to turn the xml data into Python variables. Python may have a module to handle XML and possibly code to handle xml validation given an xml file and its schema file.

Going this route, would we want to turn the user configuration data into an xml file as well?

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 3, 2009 by Helpful Kangaroo

I have changed the main program entrance to the program.py and now all eopk script files should be in the sys\library.zip file.

This means that when the code gets updated, all we need to do is replace the sys\library.zip on the client.

That will be the next step.

Comment #3

Posted on Feb 13, 2009 by Helpful Kangaroo

As of r70 all the main game code files are external to the executable.

This means that we should be able to go forward with building an automatic updater.

Comment #4

Posted on Feb 13, 2009 by Helpful Kangaroo

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: Fixed

Type-Enhancement Usability Priority-High Milestone-Update9.1 Maintainability Component-Persistence