
ID Status Summary
610 New Can't play PSN release PSX games Type-Defect Priority-Low
609 New Switch over to GitHub? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
608 Invalid Crash while loading safegame Type-Defect Priority-Medium
607 New PSP-1001 B2 Installing all kinds of CFW makes my controls freeze >.< Type-Defect Priority-Low
606 Done 6.61 CIPL payloadex offsets Type-Defect Priority-Medium
605 Duplicate 6.61 FW Support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
604 New Port CFW to 6.61 Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
603 New PSX Game Loading/Playing on PSP 3004 Brite Model 09g ! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
602 New 6.60 PRO-C Bricked PSP during gameplay Type-Defect Priority-Medium
601 Invalid Type-Defect Priority-Medium
600 New Reboot error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
599 New noDRM not loading DLC Type-Defect Priority-Medium
598 New Nothings Working but CIPL says its flashed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
597 New 6.60 OFW to CFW blackscreen after opening ProUdater then shuts off Type-Defect Priority-Medium
596 Fixed Popcorn check_file_is_decrypted bug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
595 New PRO-C/C2 Plugin doesn't show up Type-Defect Priority-Medium
594 Invalid about umd cache on my psp 3000 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
592 New automatically removing cfw Type-Defect Priority-Medium
591 Invalid DBZ Tenkaichi Tag team Broken Type-Other
590 New DanganRonpa freeze Type-Defect Priority-Medium
589 Invalid psp home button menu Type-Defect Priority-Medium
588 New The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - The game doesn't load. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
587 Accepted nightly builds cfw all links is dead Type-Defect Priority-Medium
586 Invalid cipl flasher does not support this model Type-Other
585 New CFW Pro C 6.60 causing to charge via USB to be off upon reinstall despite being on in the XMB settings Type-Defect Priority-Medium
584 New my psp 's light does not turn off !!! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
583 New Dragon Ball z shin budokai Type-Defect Priority-Medium
582 New Patch for /Translated/recovery_it.txt Type-Patch
581 Invalid Freezing after booting Pro-B10
580 New 6.60 Pro C-2 Games dissappear Type-Defect Priority-Medium
579 New PSP camera problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
578 Invalid 6.60PRO C2 has many BUGS & CRASHES
577 Duplicate 6.60PRO C2 has many BUGS & CRASHES Type-Defect Priority-Medium
576 WontFix Integrate in-game music player Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
575 Invalid Crash occuring when UMD is inserted Type-Defect Priority-Medium
574 Invalid ProB10 Update install not launching, OFW 6.60 3001, new mem card Type-Defect Priority-Medium
573 Duplicate DJ Max Portable 3 Won't open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
572 Invalid Psp became mute when push home button Type-Defect Priority-Medium
570 Invalid "Unlock memory in PSP games" line doesn't show Type-Defect Priority-Medium
569 Invalid Gran turismo will not work my great sir/s Type-Defect Priority-Medium
568 Duplicate (Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles) "Symphony of the Night" crashes to XMB, gives error code (80020148) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
567 Duplicate Error loading/starting packed VSH modules Type-Defect Priority-Medium
566 New PRO-C2 update crashing on 1xxx, 2xxx and 3xxx models Type-Defect Priority-High
565 Invalid Device "Crashes" When Going Ad-Hoc over UMD Version of FTB2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
564 Invalid PSP 1001 PHAT (IC1003) 6.60 PRO C2 has messed up buttons ingame (on mem stick), UMD's work fine. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
563 Duplicate PSX Game: An internal error has ocurred (FFFFFFFF) on C2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
562 Duplicate Proupdater exits cannot update CFW Type-Defect Priority-Medium
561 New Cannot correctly reorder games in XMB menu after installing 660PRO-C2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
560 Duplicate PRO-C2 cant start psx PSN games Type-Defect Priority-Medium
559 Invalid Unbricker Type-Defect Priority-Medium
558 WontFix Pls add PANDORA BATTERY Type-Defect Priority-Medium
557 Accepted fatms371 prevents PSX games to load (error 0xFFFFFFFF) Type-Defect Priority-High
555 Invalid Save file not working have to restart game Type-Defect Priority-Medium
554 New 1001 6.20 Bricked while uninstalling CFW PRO C-2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
553 New Cipl Flasher Insta Brick Fat PSP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
552 Fixed Internet Error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
551 New black screen when starting pro updater Type-Defect Priority-Medium
550 Invalid Problems with last Nightly Build Type-Defect Priority-Medium
549 New Pangya Fantasy Golf black screen Type-Defect Priority-Medium
548 New Save files corrupted and unable to save Type-Defect Priority-Medium
547 New CFW 6.60 pro-b10 freeze Type-Defect Priority-Medium
546 WontFix LZ4(or lzo) compression based caching Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
545 Invalid RemoteJoyLite crashing the PSP Type-Defect Priority-Low
544 Invalid Cienne sping head bug white knight chronicles Origins/dogma wars Type-Defect Priority-Medium
543 Invalid Prometheus Online not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
542 Invalid Extracted ISO from signed EBOOT game crashes on launch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
541 Invalid グリザイアの果実 -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- asking for another disc Type-Defect Priority-Medium
540 Duplicate PSN psx games won't load on PRO-C2. Error: The game could not be started (FFFFFFFF) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
539 New popsCwcheat is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
538 Duplicate Dj max portable 3 without suspend the psp Type-Defect Priority-Medium
537 Duplicate Please HELP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
536 Duplicate Please HELP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
535 Duplicate Please fix the issue of "PSN PSone" on PRO-C2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
534 Duplicate PSN PSX will not run give errors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
533 Duplicate Official PSX game won't start Type-Defect Priority-Medium
532 New whenever after i installed 660, 620 pro c b10 b9, my psp shut down by itself Type-Defect Priority-Medium
531 Duplicate PRO-C2 PS1 PSN problem FFFFFFFF error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
530 New Can't Install nploader to PSP Type-Defect Priority-Medium
529 New Psp e1003 1d Type-Defect Priority-Medium
528 New Can't play psn games on 6.60 pro c2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
527 New PSP Fat, 6.60 PRO B Fix 10. Buttons are mixed up, unable to enter VSH and recovery. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
526 Duplicate pro c-fix3: build-in djmax3 patch seems unable to work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
525 Invalid Package ProCFW for the PPSSPP emulator Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
524 Invalid Possible exploit for PSP Go Type-Defect Priority-Medium
523 New PSP Go OFW 6.60 - CFW 6.60 Pro C-Fix 3 crash Type-Defect Priority-Medium
522 New Lords of Arcana BGM loop bug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
520 New AKB1/149 Renai Sousenkyo can't play it Type-Defect Priority-Medium
519 Invalid PSP 1000 6.60 PRO-B10 Bricked? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
518 New Se queda paralizado Type-Defect Priority-Medium
517 New CPU Clock Speed in games aren't working 6.20 PRO-c Type-Defect Priority-Medium
516 New PSP-1000 Freezing Everywhere Randomly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
515 New Massive Lag on games Type-Defect Priority-Medium
514 New PSP go 660 Pro-C how to merge the internal memory and memory card. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
513 New Psp-go iso files don't show up Type-Defect Priority-Medium
512 New Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai 2 Black Screen Type-Defect Priority-Medium
511 New Cannot launch Snes9xTYL/me on Pro-B10fix1/Cfix3 under 6.20/6.35 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
510 WontFix black sreen then psp shut down Type-Defect Priority-Medium
509 New Popsloader defect Type-Defect Priority-Medium
508 New Pro-C Compatibility Problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
507 Fixed Patch for /Vshctrl/usbdevice.c Type-Patch