
ID Status Summary
989 Invalid Really bad lag when playing with World Tour drums Priority-Medium
988 WontFix Whammy Bar causes Song List Menu to reload and reset position Priority-Low
987 Invalid World Starpower Charts Upload Rank Seems Incorrect in Multiplayer Priority-Low
986 Invalid Performance problems
985 Accepted Determine MIDI specification for new features Priority-High Type-Task Milestone-Release-4.0.0 Maintainability
984 Accepted Adding "Charted By" to song.ini Priority-Low Type-WishList
983 Fixed Bass Groove Neck doesn't work Priority-Low Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
982 New MidiSectionsMappedOut Wiki page needs more information Component-Docs Maintainability Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
981 Fixed some 3d fixes Priority-Low Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
980 Invalid Pause menu bug in Practice mode Priority-Low
979 Invalid held drum note sounds Priority-Low
978 Duplicate Display available difficulty levels for selected track Priority-Low
977 New Create a fans system like RB games Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
976 Invalid Program crashes after old RB2 theme applied
975 Accepted Custom part names Priority-Low Type-Enhancement
974 Fixed Bass Drum 3D note wider than neck Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
973 Invalid r1853 random crash Priority-Low
972 Invalid Frets #2 and #4 can't be picked at the same time Priority-Low
971 Fixed 3D notes forces cutom POV Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
970 Fixed Bug or feature? Exits current directory after every song. Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Milestone-Release-3.120
969 Invalid Using a microphone controller makes the game hang on song loading screen Priority-Low
968 Fixed Make Guitar, Drums, and Vocalist extended classes Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release-4.0.0
967 Invalid Frezing before Select Instrument editor screen Priority-Low
966 Fixed seperate 3d drum notes Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
965 Invalid practice wont work Priority-Low MoreInfo
964 Fixed The game lets you create players with invalid names. Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Usability
963 Invalid Runtime Error C++ Priority-Low OpSys-Windows
962 New Keyboard/piano implementing Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
961 Duplicate Game wont start on vista 64 bit with all requirement met. Priority-Low
960 Fixed unprintable GLError object Priority-Low MoreInfo
959 Done FOFIX v3.120 RC1 wont run, either of them Priority-Low OpSys-Windows Component-Packaging
958 Duplicate Blackscreen Crash (?) on Result Screen with Custom songs
957 Fixed Vocals Scoring too Lenient Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Component-Logic
956 Fixed Fix default settings for release Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release-3.120
955 New Wish List - Preview songs with Bass Pedal Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
954 Fixed crowdcheers.ogg should be controlled by Crowd Volume Priority-Low Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release-3.120
953 Fixed possible to enter character creation menu after selecting character and have it stuck in the background Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Milestone-Release-3.120 Component-UI
952 Verified startex used instead of startexa when starpower is active with 3d notes Priority-Low Milestone-Release-3.120
951 Fixed incorrect colour drum bass note / overdrive note Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
950 Accepted Mouse support for Menus Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release-4.0.0 Usability Component-UI OpSys-All Theme-All
949 Accepted Lyric spacing Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Visual Milestone-Release-4.0.0
948 Invalid ImportError: Codecs Priority-Low
947 Fixed [Error 5 ] denied access (Windows related?) when returning to main menu from setlist Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Release-3.120
946 Invalid 3D Stages Priority-Low
945 New Move bot settings to character options Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
944 Fixed Song metadata caching can't handle folder renames Priority-Low
943 Accepted Create a wiki page guiding the users thru basic configuration (e.g. controller profiles) Priority-Low Component-Docs Type-Enhancement
942 Accepted Update scoring system with better cutoffs and values Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release-4.0.0 Component-Logic
941 Accepted Allow arbitrary extensions for compatible file types Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release-4.0.0
940 New Guest Character for casual players Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
939 Duplicate Song cache and album art no longer works (database locked) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
938 Verified Game Crashes at Game Results Scene Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release-3.120
937 Fixed Crash after multiplayer set ends and another song is chosen Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Usability
936 Accepted Stage lighting shader (à la stock FoF) Priority-VeryLow Type-Enhancement Visual
935 Done Include Spanish (Spain) translation Priority-Low Type-Other Milestone-Release-3.120
934 Invalid Ignore MIDI inputs during loading times Priority-Low
933 Invalid Invalid number of total Notes - wrong hit percentage Priority-Low
932 Accepted A good looking default theme Priority-Low Type-Task
931 Invalid No star power paths on frets on fire sample songs Priority-Low
930 Invalid Can't activate two frets from the right at the same time.
929 Invalid Invalid Fofix.ini
928 Invalid Extreme internet lag during FoFiX session
927 Duplicate Vocals not behaving properly
926 WorkAround Setlist display % rather than score Priority-Low Type-Enhancement
925 Invalid Starpower Critical bug [URGENT] Priority-Low
924 Invalid doesnt let me launch the game Priority-Low MoreInfo
923 Done Switching from ActivePython and upgrading to PyGame 1.9.1 Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release-3.120 Performance OpSys-Windows Component-Packaging
922 New Difficulty assist: move lanes one position to the left, so you can play harder difficulties with 4-fingers-not-moving-style Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
921 Invalid Performance drop after switching the programme Priority-Low
920 Accepted Simulating the GH strum logic Priority-Medium Usability Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release-4.0.0
919 Duplicate Over 100% glitch with drums Priority-Low
918 Invalid Fofix is not using the videocard's 3D acceleration ability Priority-Low
917 WontFix 3.120b2 makes the playing much harder than before Priority-Low
916 Duplicate Can't hear guitar.ogg [Ubuntu 9.04 X64] Priority-Low
915 Invalid Second Player Strum Won't Work Priority-Low
914 New RB2 Set List Album Sub header Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
913 Invalid Video on Background Priority-Low
912 Invalid 2 line lyric display is in the wrong position Priority-Low
911 New Including awards folder/.ini into a career mode pack Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
910 Accepted Add new game mode: challenges Type-WishList Priority-Lowest
909 New New kind of scoring/display mode aside from stars Priority-VeryLow Type-WishList
908 New Add an option of enabling/disabling setlist jump to the digited letter. Type-WishList Priority-VeryLow
907 Fixed Game crashes if song is selected while preview is being loaded Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Usability
906 Invalid Stage shader turns white/ blanks upper middle after playing about 10 songs over 40 minutes. Priority-Low MoreInfo
905 Invalid Starpower/Overdrive volume barely audible Priority-Low
904 Invalid "AttributeError: 'SongInfo' object has no attribute 'diffVocals' " shows instead of the songlist showing Priority-Low
903 Invalid AttributeError: 'SongInfo' object has no attribute 'diffVocals' shows Priority-Low
902 New Add third control to blue and green buttons for drums Type-WishList Priority-VeryLow
901 New Build in an entire default theme for fallback purposes Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Visual Theme-All Maintainability
900 Started Image/text for "no_diff" on setlist Type-Enhancement Priority-VeryLow Milestone-Release-4.0.0
899 Fixed Crash after results in co-op mode Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-Release-3.120 Usability
898 Invalid Unable to type name in high score
897 Invalid 3.120 Freezes While Loading Priority-Low
896 Invalid Star Power / Overdrive sound plays when button is pushed after original activation.
895 Fixed Make a default vocals folder for older theme fallback. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release-3.120
894 Duplicate Setting delay for each controller
893 Invalid Crash when playing song with a big rock ending Priority-Low
892 Accepted Activating overdrive while holding a long overdrive note causes the phrase dissapear. Priority-Low Type-Defect
891 Fixed Starpower/overdrive keeps triggering Priority-Low Type-MinorDefect Milestone-Release-3.120 Visual
890 Invalid Failing to save drum settings Priority-Low Type-Defect