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fofix - issue #987

World Starpower Charts Upload Rank Seems Incorrect in Multiplayer

Posted on Sep 13, 2009 by Happy Elephant

Describe the problem. What did you expect? What do you see? When playing Face-off, upon completing a song, your score is uploaded. However, both players are listed as the same rank everytime, regardless of how different their scores or difficulty level or instrument.

List the steps to recreate the problem. 1. Start new Face-off Multiplayer game. 2. Complete a song 3. Watch as you receive your rank on the World Starpower Charts

What version are you using? Include the FoFiX version, the Python version, your operating system, and whether it is SVN (alpha), beta, RC, or final release.

Windows 7 RC (7100) FoFiX 3.120 Beta 2 Python 2.6/PyOpenGL 3.x

Did you read the wiki on how to report bugs, conveniently called ReportingBugs? If this is a bug report, please include the log file!

Please provide any additional information below.

Comment #1

Posted on Sep 2, 2010 by Happy Lion

Issue set to invalid due to one or more of the following reasons: 1) Age. This issue is considered abandoned. 2) Unrelated. The issue isn't related to FoFiX. 3) Fluke. The issue cannot be reproduced or was fixed long ago. (AKA: It's just you.)

Feel free to reply if you are certain the issue still exists and is relevant to FoFiX.

Status: Invalid
