It would be good for charters and coders alike to have a list of what notes do what in FoFiX within a midi file. It would then make things easier to standardize when new features are brought in, such as would be the case for implementing issue 254 and issue 255. I'd do it myself, but I don't know anything about the inner workings of the midi file.
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 10, 2009 by Happy CatFurther to this, is anyone aware what (if anything) resides on the B-note in a rockband midi?
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 11, 2009 by Happy RabbitSince FoFiX uses RB2 MIDI's, this may help:
I've noticed that RB2 MIDI's have something on notes 40 to 52... I don't know what.
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 12, 2009 by Happy Catthanks raph, but thats all stuff i already know... and that page is missing other things like the force HO/PO notes and the like...
im assuming there is nothing on the B notes then so NEW ISSUE TIME!
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 2, 2010 by Happy LionPriority-VeryLow, Type-WishList
Comment #5
Posted on Dec 8, 2010 by Happy DogThe RB3 information about the use of MIDI notes in midi files can be found here:
Of course, there is still work to be done pulling the actual information out and summarizing it on the Wiki page.
Status: New