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ID Status Summary
167 New Ubuntu reports .deb package as 'of bad quality' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
166 New Bad Ubuntu .deb Type-Defect Priority-Medium
165 New Watch Oblivion Free Online Full Movies Streaming For Free Type-Defect Priority-Medium
164 New Problem when installing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
163 New after double click or play-button: song stops directly! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
162 Fixed Tools > Options... Broken in 0.370 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
161 New ID over tags Type-Defect Priority-Medium
160 Fixed No more connection to Grooveshark (Yellow) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
159 Fixed Search & play functionality Type-Defect Priority-Medium
158 Accepted where is the 'option' tab? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
157 Fixed problem with playing songs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Fixed No longer works Type-Defect Priority-Medium
155 Fixed 'Album' tab doesn't work anymore Type-Defect Priority-Medium
154 Fixed gw not starting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
153 Fixed Malfunctioning plug-ins while playing locally Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
152 Accepted a search possibility into all songs in the open playlistsongs Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
151 Accepted Quotes in Song titles may break stuff Type-Defect Priority-Medium
150 Fixed German translation Type-Enhancement
149 Accepted Enchantment Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
148 Done Archlinux AUR Package
147 Fixed Seems Last.fm didn't work in 0.350 Type-Defect Priority-High
146 Accepted "The package is of bad quality" Type-Defect Priority-Low
145 New Cache keeps filling up indefinately even if maximum songs is set. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
144 Accepted No Adress for Pancakes delivery provided Type-Pancakes Priority-Syrup
143 Accepted in ubuntu, the python wx library is missing in the deb Type-Defect Priority-Low
142 Accepted GW doesn't start Type-Defect Priority-Medium
141 Fixed I can't play the music straightly.. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
140 New Function: Autocorrect Interpret and Songtitle
139 New Navigate Music
138 Accepted Pre-cache doesn't work with random Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
137 New add-song-from-playlist + sorting on playlist-genre Type-Enhancement
136 Fixed Options menu does not open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
135 Accepted adding a playlist-song to a playing-playlist + overwriting a playlist is not possible + 'load playlist-menu-item' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Accepted ctrl+c = copy artist+song is not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
133 New copy artist+name to find on youtube the song-clip Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
132 New please add a 'biep-tone'/or dialogscreen by finishing download mp3 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
131 Accepted number ordening of a single number like freeyoutube-to-mp3 does Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
130 Accepted advanced options = interagtions for useability as shortcut-list? Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
129 Fixed Web remote problems Type-Defect Priority-Medium
128 Fixed selecting language is not working and is not uploading the translation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
127 Accepted mpg123 as backend Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
126 Invalid last-fm problem playing song Type-Defect Priority-Medium
125 WontFix playing last-fm song without adding to playlist Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
124 Accepted ls Type-Defect Priority-Medium
123 Accepted Possibility to go everywhere in the song Type-Enhancement
122 Fixed Launcher crashes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
121 Accepted Stop button is not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
120 Accepted Sorting by columns Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
119 Accepted hotkeys crashes into 340 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
118 New find playlist in new/own grooveshark playlist + upload playlist to grooveshark + grooveshark-login
117 Accepted importing a url of grooveshark playlist - problem script Type-Defect Priority-Medium
116 Fixed shortcuts play/pauze .. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
115 Accepted no possibility to navigate with 'arrow down/up, home/end-button' into the playlist Type-Defect Priority-Medium
114 New youtube search results possible like skiplink.nl does show results in a table? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
113 New esd as backend Type-Enhancement
112 Fixed tinysong api key = please provide a link + do not ask in an dialog at the startup of groovewalrus Type-Defect Priority-Medium
111 New I would like to have a grooveshark login + pasword tab for the playlists online
110 Fixed no search results with 0335 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
109 Fixed Search leads to crash of application in Linux Type-Defect Priority-Medium
108 WontFix GrooveWalrus won't open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
107 Fixed Didn't play any file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
106 New GW 4 MAC Type-Defect OpSys-OSX Priority-Medium
105 New X2 Plug-in changes. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
104 Fixed Stop after X more songs menu option. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
103 Accepted Mkae a safe-mode menu and shortcut oprion Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability
102 New can a link to http://www.jango.com/ also be into groovewalrus
101 Fixed not all music is been found when if you do the same in grooveshark.com Type-Defect Priority-Medium
100 Fixed Patch for /trunk/groovewalrus/main_utils/tinysong.py Type-Patch
99 Fixed Patch for /trunk/groovewalrus/main_utils/tinysong.py Type-Patch
98 Accepted Error from log when using with Wine (GW 0.331) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
97 Accepted add similarartists-radiostream from last.fm radio possibility to functionalities last.fm Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
96 New Pandora Backstage Type-Enhancement
95 New Error from log when using with Wine (GW 0.330) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
94 Fixed Pearl Jam vs. Jam & Spoon Type-Defect Priority-Medium
93 Fixed MSVCP71.dll missing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
92 Fixed Unable to play song(linux). TypeError Type-Defect Priority-Medium
91 Fixed select language does not work anymore in 330 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
90 New extra source for music? + link to artist website search engine?
89 Accepted sorting alfabetical + hide rows before playing song + rownumbers Type-Enhancement
88 New extra buttons to move song + start a selected song-button
87 New possibility to search with characters * before or after a word that you search for
86 Accepted No Covers with prefetching Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
85 New problem for reading bitmap-buttontooltip Type-Defect Priority-Medium
84 Fixed GrooveWalrus freezes in 90% of the times I'm trying to perform a search Type-Defect Priority-Medium
83 Fixed Import Grooveshark Playlist Type-Defect Priority-Medium
82 Accepted rightmouse option to open the saved song/song on your computer in windows explorer Type-Enhancement
81 Fixed Linux Type-Defect Priority-Medium
80 WontFix wx.media didn't work in 0.327 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
79 New changing songs to an other playlist + playing all favorite songs over all playlists Type-Defect Priority-Medium
78 New cover/albumpopup to be viewed in full-screen width + extra possibility with artist+song information
77 New an artist-filter-button to show only the songs of the artist into your playlist
76 New a timer-button that has the possibility to shutdown the computer after a several time-setting Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
75 New searchdialogscreen: extra checkbox to save the songs + rightmouse for adding song to playlist + spellingsuggestions
74 New Can the search-popup be closed with Escape instead of Alt+F4(because this is more for software closing) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
73 Accepted Possibility to copy the row-text of the playlist-songs with ctrl+c when 1 or more numbers are selected Type-Defect
72 New navigating with arrows + End and Home button not possible to use to scroll to the end or begin of the list (searchlist does!) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
71 New can the biography be translated by a dropdown choosing list for the language (for example by google translate?)
70 New what with some errors or new english field that need to be translated Type-Defect Priority-Medium
69 Accepted upnp support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
68 New Plugin for support Miranda (or general IMs)