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turnip-town - issue #97

add similarartists-radiostream from last.fm radio possibility to functionalities last.fm

Posted on Jan 17, 2011 by Happy Rhino

Description of new feature. last.fm has a radio-station possibility: if you type: http://www.last.fm/listen/artist/Kadril/similarartists It should need to be possible to listen to all music on last.fm that has the same sort of music as Kadril-group!! = always the fixed link " http://www.last.fm/listen/artist/.../similarartists " + an option into the menu-bar (for blind and bad eyes people)

What is the expected output? a non stop playing radio station from artists without clicking the numbers that you want. I would like a play-radio button next to the similarartists-radiostation text = is selected

Please provide any additional information below. see printscreens what I mean!


Comment #1

Posted on Feb 2, 2011 by Quick Bear

Interesting, this is probably an idea for a plug-in. Notes: get similar artists, randomly pick a bunch, randomly pick a bunch of top songs for that artist or Do it on demand like he says.

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 11, 2011 by Happy Rhino

I attached the preview from the different radiostreams that you can start.. You can come onto this page when you click the button 'start a new radio station'.

Can somebody tell me why 'after 30 tracks' my free last.fm will end?? Can somebody hack this? While using groove-walrus?



Status: Accepted

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low