What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. latest svn 2. python gw.py 3. nothing happens
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? antoine@apethantos ~/groovewalrus/gw $ python gw.py 3.1.1b1.201005.r243 Load: <type 'exceptions.Exception'>No module named pymedia.muxer GWApp: <type 'exceptions.Exception'>global name 'pyro_server' is not defined
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 355 on Linux Mint 12 with python-wxgtk2.8
Please provide any additional information below.
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 31, 2012 by Quick BearAdded a check to see if you're running windows before it kills itself. SVN 328 should have the new version.
Status: Fixed