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ID Status Summary
372 Fixed Handle java.lang.ClassFormatError when processing filters/generators Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease
371 Fixed Airing filter log file clears itself after processing each airing instead entire SDEPG download Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease
370 Fixed Any more than 1 OTA lineup sage presents as same source name. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
369 Fixed Fix force epg refresh button on plugin config screen Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease Usability
368 Duplicate Flag sdjson for forced update after config changes from web Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Usability Milestone-NextRelease
367 Duplicate Identify zero registered headends and warn the user about it Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic Usability
366 Duplicate Add server status to status page Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-UI
365 Verified Don't count lineups in headends for search results on web Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
364 Verified User agent from web tools is not correct Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
363 Verified Repetitive Warning message sd4j.api log Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
362 Reviewed Allow Custom sage_all.css for Web Interface Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
361 Verified Add proper support for button options on Plugin Manager Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease
360 Invalid-Spam Watch Olympus Has Fallen Online Stream Type-Defect Priority-Medium
359 Verified Program generator that doesn't provide a credits member will cause NPE in processProgramGenerators() Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
358 Verified Program generators must be processed before the EPG data load Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease
357 Verified Only inject a file into the menu system once Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI Milestone-NextRelease
356 Verified Obsolete/invalid "Background.jpg" reference causes ?????????? in current version Android web browser Type-Defect Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
355 Verified Filter engine logs are not closed at end of each EPG update Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-NextRelease
354 Verified Filter engine deadlocks if script dir is empty on instantiation Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg Milestone-NextRelease OpSys-All Component-Logic
353 Verified Metadata errors not handled properly in sdjson; new sdjson build required Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
352 Verified Minor typo on conflict message in WebUI Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Future Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
351 Verified Add ability to set Show language field Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-sdepg Milestone-Future OpSys-All Component-Logic
350 Verified Document "No Data" on certain channels issue/workaround Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-NextRelease Plugin-sdepg Component-Docs
349 Verified Update "force" plugin button to use -f Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg Milestone-Future Component-Logic OpSys-All
348 Verified Second Lineup gets no data Type-Support Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg
347 Verified SDEPG beta 20 does not retrieve schedule Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-sdepg Component-Logic OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease
346 Verified Plugin Failing to install / OTA only Type-Support Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg
345 Duplicate Add support for setting bonus info array on generated programs Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-Future
344 Verified Star Rating Information for movies does not appear to picked up for SDEPG json file Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-sdepg OpSys-All Milestone-NextRelease Component-Logic
343 Invalid Recordings don't show up Type-Support Priority-Medium Plugin-SageSync
342 WontFix Notification by email when a certain favorite is due to record Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
341 Accepted SRE icons show up on search results erroneously Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI Milestone-Future
340 Reviewed Add ability to queue tasks for manual recordings from web Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQWeb OpSys-All Component-UI
339 Accepted Add View Both logs to SJQ Web UI Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQWeb OpSys-All Component-UI Milestone-Future
338 Reviewed Redo task logging Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic
337 Verified Add SJQ link to main menu Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI Component-UI OpSys-All
336 Verified Clear manual rec flag should wait until after GetAiringEndTime() Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
335 Reviewed Add ability to turn off STARTTLS Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SageAlert OpSys-All Component-Logic
334 Verified Plugin manager should refresh repository manifest on load Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-WebUI2.34
333 Verified Disable monitoring for live tv and IR recordings went missing Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Milestone-SRE4.0.0 Component-Logic
332 Verified Default padding can be applied multiple times under certain conditions Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Milestone-SRE4.0.0 Component-Logic
331 Duplicate Live TV airing is getting extended and flagged as a manual recording Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Component-Logic
330 Verified "Remove manual flag for favorites" configuration option is not working Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 Component-Logic
329 Verified Change placement of buttons on WebUI System Messages page Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
328 WontFix Full SD support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic
327 Verified Extender power/reboot links don't work for me Type-Defect Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-Logic
326 Reviewed Gut the favs manager Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-Logic Component-UI
325 WontFix Add daily scan of recordings for missing S/E data Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Component-Logic
324 Verified Halt EPG update if lineup map cannot be computed Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic
323 Reviewed Add Season Number and Episode Number to SJQ4 Metadata objects Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic
322 Verified tvdb data dir not created when necessary Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic Usability
321 Verified If ignore back to back is enabled then all monitors immediately die Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Milestone-SRE4.0.0 Component-Logic Usability
320 Verified Add status icons for SREv4 to web UI Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
319 Verified Add SJQv4 views and editors to web UI Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI
318 Verified Sage object metadata editor Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Milestone-WebUI2.33 Component-UI
317 Verified tvdb id editor in web UI does not handle custom external ids properly Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-WebUI2.33
316 Verified Monitor must be validated when an override is created Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
315 WontFix Add dymanic skip times Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-SRE4.0.0
314 Verified Add wasMonitored(MediaFile) API Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-SRE4.0.0
313 Verified Split the jar into two: server and common jars Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Milestone-SRE4.0.0 Component-Logic
312 Verified DataStore cleaner required Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
311 Verified All active monitors must be interrupted during plugin shutdown Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
310 Verified Must create monitors for active recordings on plugin startup Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE Milestone-SRE4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
309 WontFix Auto generate the channel inclusion file when calling mc2xml Type-Enhancement Priority-High Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic Performance
308 WontFix Only process today, tomorrow, +14 and any days with too much missing data Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic Performance
307 Verified Don't bother loading shows and airings for disabled channels Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-EpgMc2Xml OpSys-All Milestone-EpgMc2Xml1.0 Component-Logic Performance
306 Verified Groovy script output is not entered into logs if script experiences runtime error. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-SJQ4.0.0
305 WontFix SJQ4_SEASON Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic
304 Verified Viewing recording schedule in web UI causes infinite 500 errors Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Milestone-SRE3.0.0 Component-UI Usability
303 Verified Lic file doesn't work anymore Type-Support Priority-Medium
302 WontFix Do not enforce licensing calls in client/STVi Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SJQSTVi OpSys-All Milestone-SJQSTVi4.0.0 Component-UI Component-Logic Usability
301 Verified Race condition at plugin init; causes multiple client reg to fail Type-Defect Priority-Critical Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Component-Logic Usability
300 Verified Extender power on/off/reboot Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic
299 Accepted Reschedule SRE impacted recordings Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Component-Logic Usability Milestone-Future
298 WontFix Can't create override Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SRE
297 Verified SageGroovy contains old version of salicense.jar Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SageGroovy OpSys-All Component-Logic Usability Milestone-SageGroovy4.0.0
296 Invalid SRE did not extend recording Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SRE
295 Verified Recording Conflits (Unresolved) Event Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SageAlert OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-SA2.0.0
294 Reviewed Move to Groovy 1.8; run scripts in same JVM using interrupt annotations Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-Future
293 Verified Issues with quoted args to external commands Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Component-Logic Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Usability
292 Verified Test SMTP settings button is broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SageAlert Milestone-SA2.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
291 Verified Use client/extender aliases from Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SageAlert OpSys-All Milestone-SA2.0.0 Component-UI Component-Logic Usability
290 WontFix Season/episode rename/move script for SJQ Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQScripts OpSys-All
289 Verified Add support for 'sysmsgonfail' task setting Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Component-UI Usability
288 Verified Allow tasks to modify resource usage from test script Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 OpSys-All Component-Logic
287 Verified Add support for modification of exe args from test script Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Component-Logic
286 Verified SRE UI for SageClients Plugin Fails to Install on a SageTV Client Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SRE OpSys-All Component-UI Usability
285 Verified Add support for agent.mapdir setting in UI Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Component-UI Usability
284 WontFix Include abbreviated show name and recorded time on the main Queued Tasks screen Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI Plugin-SJQSTVi
283 WontFix The Plugin "Always Show Submenues" conflicts with SJQ UI. If both enabled, TV submenu is not displayed. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI Usability Plugin-SJQSTVi
282 Verified Add methods to Task for optionally displaying task status in header Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Usability
281 Verified Queued/Completed tasks disapear from UI when navigating Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ Component-UI
280 Verified Can't easily unassign tasks that have be deleted from events Type-Defect Priority-Medium Plugin-SJQ Component-UI
279 WontFix Adjustable window for log files Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI Plugin-SJQSTVi
278 WontFix Ability SRE to monitor recordings after games. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SRE Component-Logic
277 Verified Example script to implement file cleanup like the Old V3 had. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQScripts
276 Verified Make separate Plugin for placing scrollbar on Setup menu Type-Enhancement Priority-High Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Maintainability
275 Verified Option to disable prompting for a Task and Trigger Event when making a manual recording Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ Component-UI
274 Verified UTF-8 encoded strings can only be 64K Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-SJQ OpSys-All Milestone-SJQ4.0.0 Component-Logic
273 WontFix Move SOMF to online groovy script Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-SJQ Component-Logic