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sagetv-addons - issue #362

Allow Custom sage_all.css for Web Interface

Posted on May 3, 2013 by Happy Monkey

For which plugin does this feature request apply? Web Interface

Please describe the feature request below in as much detail as possible. "Any chance we can specify our own sage_all.css? It's a bit of a pain to update, restart Sage, then bring it all down again to bang the CSS file in the WAR file. I'm lazy... Would be much better if it could check somewhere else for an alternate CSS before in the extracted folder..."

Comment #1

Posted on May 3, 2013 by Grumpy Cat

This requires touching all the legacy servlets, which is just asking for trouble. Next time I'm poking around the code I'll investigate just how painful it will be, but most likely I just won't be able to touch this one.

Status: Reviewed

Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Plugin-WebUI OpSys-All Component-UI