For which plugin does this feature request apply? SDEPG
Please describe the feature request below in as much detail as possible. If possible, I would like to be able to create a filter that will automatically set the correct language for programs that are aired on foreign channels.
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 27, 2013 by Grumpy CatCurrently the language field is not being set in Sage API calls from this plugin. It is hardcoded to null.
Add the ability to set the language via filters and generators. The SageProgram object will have to be enhanced to support the language field. Keep an eye on discussions with Robert to see if a new language field is added to the SD service, which would change the approach to implementation here.
No ETA for this implementation, though I don't think it'll be much work to actually support it.
Comment #2
Posted on Jun 15, 2013 by Grumpy CatSD beta server now supports this:
But SD packs the language info into the airing details (and/or channel details; see sdjson & github tix for more info) and I believe Sage needs it set in the Program object, which will pose some problems. I'll confirm all that when I dig into this a little deeper. The sdjson API still needs to expose the language field as well before I can do anything within Sage:
Comment #3
Posted on Jun 15, 2013 by Grumpy DogWorse case scenario, you could use the airing object to retrieve the SageTV Show object and then set the language, similar to what I'm currently doing in my Groovy Airing Filter. This is not ideal since each Show typically has multiple Airings and you really only need to set the language at the first Airing. Processing subsequent Airings is unnecessary but unavoidable. This is really a limitation of SageTV since language is more a channel/station feature than a Show feature.
Comment #4
Posted on Jun 29, 2013 by Grumpy CatThis issue was closed by revision d0d04d25e36d.
Comment #5
Posted on Jun 29, 2013 by Grumpy CatHere are the details of this fix from my commit message; this fix will be available in the next release. The fix is very lightly tested (i.e. almost no testing) so I will need you to verify things for this fix. Here are the details...
The EPG plugin itself will now recognize and set a show's language if its value is anything other than 'English' or null, which is assumed to also be English.
The EPG plugin will also set a program's language based on the descriptionLanguage value of a program. So channels that, for example, broadcast in French and also provide their descriptions in French will now have their program's language value set to French.
Airing filters can also set its associated program's language now by simply overriding the 'broadcastLanguage' property of the object within the filter. When that value is overridden, the EPG plugin will recognize that after the filter executes and will reset the language in the associated program. This should simplify anyone's existing filters greatly.
Airing generators CANNOT set its associated program's language at this time. An attempt to do so will generate a warning in the logs. If someone actually hits this and needs this functionality then I'll tackle it then, otherwise it's way too much hassle for something that I doubt will be used often by anyone. The req'd fix to make this work for airing generators is described in the comments of the code that would need to be fixed.
Comment #6
Posted on Aug 5, 2013 by Grumpy Cat(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Verified