
ID Status Summary
668 New jquery Type-Defect Priority-Low
667 New Just TEST Type-Defect Priority-Low
666 New how to manipulate svg file using java ? Type-Defect Priority-Low
665 New render slow in webkit browser Type-Defect Priority-Low
664 New IE11 is not recognized as IE in svgweb code Type-Defect Priority-Low
663 New After svg loaded in window ,then refreshing svg images on the same window,2nd time not loading Type-Defect Priority-Low
662 New Stand-alone flash not working Type-Defect Priority-Low
661 New SVG currentScale doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
660 New svgweb conflict with css3-mediaqueries-js Type-Defect Priority-Low
659 New Print from Flash menu does not print image at the current zoom level. Type-Defect Priority-Low
658 New Suggest to add shortcuts to zoom-in/zoom-out/original image, and handtool for panning Type-Defect Priority-Low
657 New rrrrrrr Type-Defect Priority-Low
656 New Shows Error when open the page that contain SVG Type-Defect Priority-Low
655 New IE 9/10 has error 'cannot find method setProperty' Type-Defect Priority-Low
654 New Android stock browser can't change colors in linear/radial gradient Type-Defect Priority-Low
653 New mobile Firefox does not support color stroke and fill pickers Type-Defect Priority-Low
652 New TextPath dont display with forcing flash Type-Defect Priority-Low
651 New Android 2.3 and less support? Type-Defect Priority-Low
650 New Flash Player 11 - class not found flash.display.GraphicsPath Type-Defect Priority-Low
649 New SVG Web Issue: text event, or pointer event problems Type-Defect Priority-Low
648 New Doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
647 New Nested patterns don't appear to work. Type-Defect Priority-Low
646 New Default font families not supported in svgweb Type-Defect Priority-Low
645 New Clone not working on IE8 Type-Defect Priority-Low
644 New display svg image inside another image Type-Defect Priority-Low
643 New feBlend doesn't work as expected Type-Defect Priority-Low
642 New transform="scale(-1,1)" for text element results in blank/empty rendering in flash Type-Defect Priority-Low
641 New Font display in IE8 Type-Defect Priority-Low
640 New Support svg files in <image> tag (flash renderer) Type-Defect Priority-Low
639 New Demos on project page don't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
638 New IE7 getElementsByTagNameNS not supported Type-Defect Priority-Low
637 New Error in remove the original SVG OBJECT node from our handlers._svgObjects Type-Defect Priority-Low
636 New Path's fill image doesn't move with path on translate and transform animations Type-Defect Priority-Low
635 New Exceptions inside SVGLoad event are not raised Type-Defect Priority-Low
634 New Selectors except ID & universal selector don't work in the flash renderer Type-Defect Priority-Low
633 New Export/save to file Type-Defect Priority-Low
632 New function customizeContextMenu() error .. Type-Defect Priority-Low
631 New Embedded SVG fonts not working in Firefox Type-Defect Priority-Low
630 New how to insert a <DIV> or swf or gif into the svg Type-Defect Priority-Low
629 New svgweb in iframe not working on firefox Type-Defect Priority-Low
628 New Error 404 not found on strange url "/image/svg+xml" Type-Defect Priority-Low
627 New Jquery to maniplate svgweb node Type-Defect Priority-Low
626 New setInterval causes tack overflow with Flash Type-Defect Priority-Low
625 New document.createElementNS in IE sometimes is not ready right away, gives "TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or method" Type-Defect Priority-Low
624 New web server issue - Address already in use Type-Defect Priority-Low
623 New mask="none" in XML crashes flash renderer Type-Defect Priority-Low
622 New Embedded raster images not displaying in Flash-Renderer Type-Defect Priority-Low
621 New jquery 1.6 in MSIE gives error Type-Defect Priority-Low
620 New When using % based coords text-anchor does perform middle justification Type-Defect Priority-Low
619 New Resizing viewbox causes tspans to vanish Type-Defect Priority-Low
618 New Font-size based upon percentage in text element Type-Defect Priority-Low
617 New Null Reference Error in Clean-Up Code (IE9 Standards Mode) Type-Defect Priority-Low
616 New document.getElementById() errors in IE9 Standards Mode for Non-Existent ID Type-Defect Priority-Low
615 New Display in IE very much broken Type-Defect Priority-Low
614 New Use XPath for traversing Type-Defect Priority-Low
613 New Flash renderer returning wrong ID when element uses href:xlink Type-Defect Priority-Low
612 New embedded fonts sample does not work in Firefox 4 Type-Defect Priority-Low
611 New var __svgHandler wrongly assigned when in deeply nested frames in IE (sorry can't test other browsers right now) Type-Defect Priority-Low
610 New Getting 1120: Access of undefined property BUILD. Type-Defect Priority-Low
609 New In SVG:ellipse/circle is not visibile in IE using svgweb code with javascripts Type-Defect Priority-Low
608 New large (4096x4096) image breaks rendering Type-Defect Priority-Low
607 Duplicate Flash renderer does not render lines Type-Defect Priority-Low
606 Accepted Starting animations immediately breaks syncbase values Type-Defect Priority-High
605 Fixed script src="svg.js" does not work without data-path="./" Type-Defect Priority-Critical
604 Accepted Eliminate memory leaks reported by IEJSLeaksDetector.exe Type-Defect Priority-High
603 New Add missing resources to the W3C embedded test-suite files Type-Defect Priority-Low
602 New Implement SVGTextContentElement interface Type-Defect Priority-Low
601 New Pattern fill opacity not fully transparent Type-Defect Priority-Low
600 Accepted Image is sized with half the height it should be Type-Defect Priority-Medium
599 Fixed onsvgload event not fired on Opera native mode with clear cache Type-Defect Priority-High
598 Fixed changing display properties don't work in IE8 Type-Defect Priority-Critical regression
597 Fixed removeEventListener not working fully; Two slider instances should behave independently Type-Defect Priority-Low
596 Fixed adjacent Rectangles lead to striped artifacts (Flash renderer) Type-Defect Priority-High regression
595 Fixed id accessor property not working in IE8, regression from r1273 Type-Defect Priority-High
594 Fixed Excessive resizing of flash - prior to load of content Type-Defect Priority-Medium
593 Accepted Support non standard draw event Type-Defect Priority-Medium
592 Fixed getBBox throws exception if called before flash loaded Type-Defect Priority-Medium
591 Fixed Round coordinates in mouse event Type-Defect Priority-Medium
590 Fixed updates to the user manual Type-Defect Priority-Low
589 Invalid this._handler is "null or not an object error" in getScreenCTM() method of svg.js file in IE Type-Defect Priority-Low
588 New Support ownerSVGElement property Type-Defect Priority-Low
587 New font: only last definition used Type-Defect Priority-Low
586 New <script type="text/javascript+protovis"> is not working for IE6 Type-Defect Priority-Low
585 New Unable to animate visibility on initially hidden elements Type-Defect Priority-Low Patch
584 New SVGNode.getAnimAttribute() should return null when no effective animations Type-Defect Priority-Low Patch
583 Fixed Elements returned from getElementsByTagName emit no _handler errors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
582 New relative hrefs in embedded SVG resolved incorrectly Type-Defect Priority-Low
581 New dx/dy attributes on tspan not working Type-Defect Priority-Low
580 Fixed document firstChild reverts attached status on root element Type-Defect Priority-Medium
579 Fixed Old text still displayed after clearing text node content Type-Defect Priority-Medium
578 Fixed Duplicate event listeners added for animation events Type-Defect Priority-Medium
577 Fixed Start animations in order and respect activation priority Type-Defect Priority-Medium
576 Fixed animation of rotate attribute causes redraw Type-Defect Priority-Medium
575 New ‘stroke-linecap’ defaults to 'round', should be 'butt' Type-Defect Priority-Low
574 Fixed Flash version 10 requirements need update Type-Defect Priority-Low
573 Fixed Support IE 9 Type-Defect Priority-Critical
572 Accepted Create JS Features and Hacks classes to move checking out of the main code Type-Defect Priority-Medium
571 New SVG file fails to display with SVGWeb + Firebug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
570 New Distortion of circles at scales of -1 .. 1 when flash is forced Type-Defect Priority-Low
569 Invalid French accents in arial font Type-Defect Priority-Medium