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ID Status Summary
196 New french web tv llinks to add
195 New France 24 url is dead
194 New Error when playing a channel, but channel is ok, is the path of the channel
193 New follow-up on issue 189: Crash at startup with recent GTK... still the same
192 New Freetuxtv dasont work
191 New Use the bad screen when fullscreen ...
190 Duplicate Core dumped on Arch 64 bits Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.7 OpSys-Linux
189 Fixed Crash at startup with recent GTK Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.7 OpSys-Linux
188 New Bouygues TV list m3u
187 New Freetuxtv not working with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
186 New Patch for /trunk/src/freetuxtv-window-main.c Type-Patch
185 New Mauvaise adresse donnée à VLC avec le chemin courant devant le lien
184 New freetux tv with usb tnt
183 Duplicate Freetuxtv and Ubuntu trusty/VLC Ricewind
182 Invalid Compile error 0.6.6 : undefined reference to `gtk_box_new'
181 New No luck to display tv
180 New FreetuxTV 0.6.6 messages when wish to update database
179 Duplicate no channels Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release0.6.6
178 Duplicate Pas d'image, ni son sur Debian Jessie 64bits Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release0.6.6
177 New Open mandriva lx 2013
176 Duplicate FreetuxTV broken after vlc update Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release0.6.6 OpSys-Linux
175 Fixed FreeBoxTV: Une erreur s'est produite durant la lecture de la chaîne Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release0.6.6
174 Fixed [OBS]void returns Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Release0.6.6 OpSys-Linux
173 Duplicate FreetuxTV does not play free(box) TV Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release0.6.6 OpSys-Linux
172 New Add new channel, TVN (Chile, spanish)
171 Duplicate FreeBoxTV: Une erreur s'est produite durant la lecture de la chaîne Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-Linux Milestone-Release0.6.6
170 New Add EWTN TV and radio streams to database
169 New favorite channels doesn't work
168 Fixed Patch for /trunk/po/freetuxtv.pot Type-Patch Milestone-Release0.6.6 Priority-Low
167 Duplicate pas de langue polonaise Type-Task Priority-Low Milestone-Release0.6.6
166 Accepted Nom des fichiers d'enregistrement Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.7 Priority-Medium
165 Fixed FreetuxTV not translated to Lithuanian language:) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release0.6.6
164 Fixed Patch for /trunk/po/freetuxtv.pot Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.6 Priority-Low
163 Fixed Added Russian language Type-Patch Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6.6
162 New freetuxtv crash
161 WontFix intlool too old ...
160 New Pas d'accès aux chaînes de sfr
159 New FreetuxTV XBMC Addon
158 Fixed FreeTuxTV 0.6.4 apparently doesn't use anymore the rtp-client-port defined in vlcrc Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.6 Priority-Medium
157 New Chaines de Free Type-Defect Priority-Medium
156 Accepted TV Spanish Type-Task
155 Fixed Translation to spanish Milestone-Release0.6.6 Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
154 Duplicate Translation to spanish Milestone-Release0.6.6
153 New Add support for XSPF playlists
152 New Modifier les paramètres de transcodage des enregistrements Type-Defect Priority-Medium
151 Fixed pas d'icônes pour les chaînes TV/radio sur la version 0.6.5 sur Ubuntu 12.10 Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6.6
150 New pb chaines tnt
149 Accepted Too much disk write when synchronizing database. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
148 New Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
147 New pas de son, pas d'images!
146 Invalid An error occurred while playing channel
145 Fixed Error on line 3 char 333 Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.4 Priority-Medium
144 Accepted Rajout d'une fonctionnalité AJOUT DE STREAMS
143 New FR: expandable tree structure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
142 New FR: Display Webcam studio picture of playing Webradio channel
141 WontFix WebTV Manager: Editing of stream URL not permitted
140 Fixed Patch for /trunk/po/zh_CN.po Type-Patch Milestone-Release0.6.2 Priority-Low
139 Invalid No DVB-T channel with french Freebox v6 / Pas de cannaux TNT avec la freebox revolution
138 Duplicate Problème de rafraichissement de la liste des chaines Milestone-Release0.6.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
137 Fixed Bande blanche après mise à jour Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.2 Priority-Medium
136 Fixed The theme is not correctly supported Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6.2
135 Accepted In dual screen mode, fullscreen is not displayed in the correct Windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
134 Fixed Updated german language file Type-Patch Milestone-Release0.6.0 Priority-Medium
133 New 希望freetuxtv也能让用户自行选择是否启用网络加速功能! 谢谢!!! I hope freetuxtv can also allow the user to choose whether to enable network acceleration function!
132 New Program do not open
131 Fixed Sortie du plein écran Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.4 Priority-Medium
130 WontFix Image but no sound after 10s Type-Defect Priority-High
129 Fixed erreur de compilation Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6.0
128 Duplicate installation echec no vlc-config Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6.0
127 Invalid freetuxtv 0.5.1, impossible de lancer une autre application
126 New freetuxtv 0.5.1, freetuxtv disappears
125 New freetuxtv 0.5.1, zapping crash
124 Fixed [WebTvManager] Ability to mark a webtv/radio as "not working" Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-WebTVManager
123 Fixed [WebTvManager] Language must be set on new url Type-Enhancement Milestone-WebTVManager Priority-High
122 Fixed Compile with libnotify 0.7.1 fails Milestone-Release0.6.0 Type-Defect Priority-High
121 Accepted [WebTVManager] FR: own text form field for the audio format of the WebRadio stream Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-WebTVManager
120 Fixed FR: Additional german TV streams for FreetuxTV Type-Task Milestone-Release0.6.0 Priority-Medium
119 WontFix Le paquet debian est cassé sur une squeeze à jour Type-Task OpSys-Linux Priority-Low
118 Fixed n'est plus disponible... Type-Task Milestone-Release0.6.0 Priority-Low
117 New freebox v6: can only catch the Player onscreen program
116 Fixed Disable exit alert confirmation Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6.0
115 Duplicate [enhancement] choisir la langue ded la bande son Type-Enhancement
114 Accepted [enhancement]ajouter l'activation des sous-titres Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
113 Duplicate quit message dialog Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
112 Fixed Problème de lecture flux mms sur NRJ12 WebTV (français) Type-Task
111 Duplicate Issue 105 ne semble pas avoir été corrigé / Issue 105 seems to be not fixed Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.5.2
110 Accepted Pouvoir changer le canal audio d'une chaîne Type-Enhancement
109 Fixed freetuxtv doesn't start if $HOME/.config/FreetuxTV/ does not exists Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5.2
108 Fixed Freetuxtv plante au changement de chaine. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5.2
107 WontFix Bare de menu disparait une fois sur deux Type-Defect Priority-Medium
106 Fixed aléa mineur avec la bar de recherche. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5.2
105 Fixed Freetuxtv does not seem to use default vlc config file Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5.2
104 Fixed Radio-Canada WebTV Type-Task Priority-Medium
103 New Raccourcis clavier configurables/onglet chaines favorites Type-Defect Priority-Medium
102 Fixed Recherche Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5.2
101 Accepted during record, file size stay equal to 0 octet Type-Defect Priority-Medium
100 Accepted No duration of movie in Nautilus or VLC Type-Defect Priority-Medium
99 Duplicate erreur Type-Defect Priority-Medium
98 New Error to play channel with Alice Type-Defect Priority-Medium
97 Invalid Cannot install using repository Type-Defect Priority-Medium