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freetuxtv - issue #183

Freetuxtv and Ubuntu trusty/VLC Ricewind

Posted on Mar 23, 2014 by Happy Bear

Please complete the following information about your configuration: - FreetuxTV version: 0.6.5 - Linux distribution and version: Ubuntu 14.02 trusty - VLC version: 2.1.5 - ISP: Free

Describe here your problem:

FreetuxTV does not work with last VLC version

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

$ freetuxtv [FreetuxTV] INFO : Compiled with GTK3 [FreetuxTV] INFO : Compiled with LibVLC version 2.0.1 [FreetuxTV] INFO : Compiled with libnotify version 0.7.5 [FreetuxTV] INFO : Loading FreetuxTV 0.6.5 [FreetuxTV] INFO : Loading user interface from path /usr/share/freetuxtv/ui [FreetuxTV] INFO : Initializing user interface [GMMKeys] INFO : Initialize [GMMKeys] INFO : Activating media player keys [GMMKeys] INFO : Created dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys; grabbing keys [FreetuxTV] INFO : Using user configuration dir: /home/legluondunet/.config/FreetuxTV [FreetuxTV] INFO : DBSync open database [DBEvolution] INFO : Starting database evolution [DBEvolution] INFO : Current database version is [FreetuxTV] INFO : DBSync close database [FreetuxTV] INFO : Loading config file /home/legluondunet/.config/FreetuxTV/config.ini [FreetuxTV] INFO : Creating media player widget [FreetuxTV] INFO : Initializing LibVLC instance [LibVLC-Gtk] INFO : Using instance vlc options [--no-xlib --ignore-config --no-video-title-show] [FreetuxTV] INFO : DBSync open database [FreetuxTV] INFO : Loading the list of channels [FreetuxTV] INFO : Loading the list of recordings [FreetuxTV] INFO : DBSync close database [FreetuxTV] INFO : Showing the main window, hide splashscreen [FreetuxTV] MESSAGE : Launching channel '100 %' at '1:0' -> http://www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u [LibVLC-Gtk] INFO : Playing http://www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u [LibVLC-Gtk] INFO : Using vlc options [:deinterlace=0 :access=timeshift :input-timeshift-granularity=50] [0x7fa4fc0073f8] filesystem access error: cannot open file /home/legluondunet/http://www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u (No such file or directory) [0x7fa4fc0073f8] main access error: La lecture du fichier a échoué [0x7fa4fc0073f8] main access error: VLC n'a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « /home/legluondunet/http://www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u ». (No such file or directory) [0x21dd9a8] main input error: open of file:///home/legluondunet/http%3A//www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u' failed [0x21dd9a8] main input error: Votre média d'entrée ne peut être ouvert [0x21dd9a8] main input error: VLC ne peut pas ouvrir « file:///home/legluondunet/http%3A//www.tv-radio.com/station/100-mp3/100-mp3.m3u ». Vérifiez les messages pour plus de détails. [FreetuxTV] INFO : Displaying error window [FreetuxTV] MESSAGE : Launching channel 'France 2 (HD)' at '3:0' -> rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=hd [LibVLC-Gtk] INFO : Playing rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=hd [LibVLC-Gtk] INFO : Using vlc options [:deinterlace=0 :access=timeshift :input-timeshift-granularity=50] [0x7fa508001a98] filesystem access error: cannot open file /home/legluondunet/rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=hd (No such file or directory) [0x7fa508001a98] main access error: La lecture du fichier a échoué [0x7fa508001a98] main access error: VLC n'a pas pu ouvrir le fichier « /home/legluondunet/rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream?namespace=1&service=201&flavour=hd ». (No such file or directory) [0x21dd9a8] main input error: open offile:///home/legluondunet/rtsp%3A//mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream%3Fnamespace%3D1%26service%3D201%26flavour%3Dhd' failed [0x21dd9a8] main input error: Votre média d'entrée ne peut être ouvert [0x21dd9a8] main input error: VLC ne peut pas ouvrir « file:///home/legluondunet/rtsp%3A//mafreebox.freebox.fr/fbxtv_pub/stream%3Fnamespace%3D1%26service%3D201%26flavour%3Dhd ». Vérifiez les messages pour plus de détails. [FreetuxTV] INFO : Displaying error window [FreetuxTV] INFO : Writing config file /home/legluondunet/.config/FreetuxTV/config.ini [GMMKeys] INFO : Deactivating media player keys

Comment #1

Posted on Mar 23, 2014 by Happy Bear

If I put manually the media url in VLC, it works.

thank you for your help.

Comment #2

Posted on Mar 23, 2014 by Massive Wombat

This is fixed since version 0.6.6

Status: Duplicate