I found some german TV streams, which are up to now unknown for FreetuxTV.
N-TV mms://
KiKa (384x288) mms://
Campus TV mms://webtv-bb.de/CampusTV
Source: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Internet-TV/Stationen
Regards, Atalanttore
Comment #1
Posted on Mar 8, 2011 by Massive WombatIf you want the next time you can send them here : http://freetuxtv.eric-beuque.com/webtv-manager/
So they will be available directly in FreetuxTV after our moderation.
The two first already exist in our database. Be careful to use the last playlist URL in FreetuxTV if you upgraded from an old version of FreetuxTV.
Comment #2
Posted on Mar 8, 2011 by Massive RhinoNice project!
How can I get an account on FreetuxTV WebTV Manager?
Comment #3
Posted on Mar 9, 2011 by Massive WombatActually, the current version cannot allow to create an account, if you want one, send me the login and password you want by email eric.beuque [at] gmail [dot] com, and I'll do it manually.
Status: Fixed