
ID Status Summary
61 New there no ibatis&mybatis for driver Type-Defect Priority-Low
60 Invalid Unable to load embedded resource from assembly "MyBatis.SqlMap.config, MyBatis". Type-Defect Priority-Low
59 New AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers Type-Defect Priority-Low
58 Fixed the newest source code (3.0) cannot build Type-Defect Priority-Low
57 New how can i create temp table in ms-sql Type-Defect Priority-Low
56 New sqlite :String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Type-Defect Priority-Low
55 New generate tag error Type-Defect Priority-Low
54 New 很久都没发布版本了,希望能加快发布版本的步伐 Type-Defect Priority-Low
53 New for each statement not working Type-Defect Priority-Low
52 Invalid How to send string inside Sql tags Type-Defect Priority-Low
51 New Include tag with sql statement Type-Defect Priority-Low
50 New Dynamic insert columns and values using mybatis Type-Defect Priority-Low
49 New There is no Get member named 'Wrapper' in class 'List`1' Type-Defect Priority-Low
48 New How to get Table Columns using ibatis Type-Defect Priority-Low
47 New mybatisnet invoke mysql procedure error Type-Defect Priority-Low
46 New Loading dynamic assemblies fails with 'System.NotSupportedException' Type-Defect Priority-Low
45 New Concurrency and SQL Injection Type-Defect Priority-Low
44 New Huge results - want to iterate myself. Type-Defect Priority-Low
43 New Why not use BindingFlags.IgnoreCase Type-Defect Priority-Low
42 New Patch for /trunk/src/MyBatis.DataMapper/Configuration/Interpreters/Config/Xml/Processor/Handlers/ProcessStatementElement.cs Type-Patch
41 New Patch for /trunk/src/MyBatis.DataMapper/Configuration/Interpreters/Config/Xml/Processor/Handlers/ProcessStatementElement.cs Type-Patch
40 New the conflict of statement id in sqlmap files Type-Defect Priority-Low
39 New Use IBatisNet develop a Web application, in fact, started to automate tasks in multi-threaded processing, processed once every 10 minutes, but the following problem Type-Defect Priority-Low
38 New 使用IBatisNet开发一个Web应用程序,其实启动了多线程来自动执行任务处理,每10分钟处理一次,但出现了如下问题 Type-Defect Priority-Low
37 New Nullable int 32 number type handler fails when procedure returns a null rather than a number Type-Defect Priority-Low
36 New I can't use member property by use sharp. Type-Defect Priority-Low
35 New 需要最新的MyBatis.Net中文文档 Type-Defect Priority-Low
34 New Is it POSSIBLE for using a transaction between different threads? Type-Defect Priority-Low
33 New ibatinet exception Type-Defect Priority-Low
32 New Issue with select with iteration - "off by one" problem? Type-Defect Priority-Low
31 New TimeSpanTypeHandler.cs 有问题。 Type-Defect Priority-Low
30 New isGreaterThan does not work with Enumerations Type-Defect Priority-Low
29 New CommandTimeout on a statement basis Type-Defect Priority-Low
28 New Error with the <generate> tag Type-Defect Priority-Low
27 New Where can I find source code for iBatis.NET 1.6.2? Type-Defect Priority-Low
26 New iBatis Framework 4.0 Ambiguous match Type-Defect Priority-Low
25 New Error configuring DAO with .NET 4. Cause: Ambiguous match found. Type-Defect Priority-Low
24 New Cannot find the Type-Defect Priority-Low
23 New Work with SqlDependency Type-Defect Priority-Low
22 New iBatis.Net new version Type-Defect Priority-Low
21 New Update the Nant build files Type-Defect Priority-High Version-Release1.x Version-Release2.x
20 New Assembly.Load(): Fails / Unable To Load Resource Via T4 Template Type-Defect Priority-Low
19 New 3rd party .NET cache implementations integration Type-Defect Priority-Low
18 New Inline parameter map. Support for size, precision, scale Type-Defect Priority-Low
17 Started Documentation - cover page doesn't output correctly in PDF Type-Defect Priority-High
16 New Change Documentation to Type-Documentation Priority-Low
15 Started Documentation source repository tightly coupled to tools folders Type-Feature Priority-Low
14 Fixed Fix the doc build process for the 1.x line Type-Defect Priority-High
13 New Castle.DynamicProxy.dll is update! Type-Defect Priority-Low
12 New Slow SQL map verification for databases with large table count Type-Defect Priority-Low
11 Fixed Read/write, nonserializable caching appears not to work Type-Defect Priority-Low
10 New R15 Command Timeout maybe not fixed Type-Defect Priority-Low
9 New Informix.NET Provider configuration doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
8 New i fount a bug in "IBatisNet.DataMapper/Commands/DefaultPreparedCommand.cs" line 66 Type-Defect Priority-Low
7 New Log file is not created when using log4Net logger Type-Defect Priority-Low
6 New Support for inclusion of <result> fragments into <resultMap> elements Type-Defect Priority-Low
5 New Can't host ibatis in WCF IIS site without compat. Type-Defect Priority-High
4 New Error configuring DAO while using Ibatis latest versions in VS2010 and running Unit tests in VS2010 Type-Defect Priority-Low
3 New Sources of DataAccess in trunk Type-Defect Priority-Low
2 New Error using isNotempty with iterator Type-Defect Priority-Low
1 New Need ability to specify a command timeout for each provider Type-Defect Priority-Low