
ID Status Summary
9226 Invalid Module won't load
9225 Invalid kkkk spam
9224 Invalid Math.rint is very slow and needs to be translated to JS Math.round Category-JRE
9223 Invalid Latest Google Chrome 43.0 Debugger prevents browser recognition by gwt 2.6.0 and results in improper recognition by gwt 2.5.0
9222 Invalid Server side Rendering Category-UI Type-Feature
9221 Invalid alert dialog and confirm dialog cause latest gwt (2.7.0) to hang latest firefox (38.0.5)
9220 Invalid DateTimeFormat parseStrict is too lenient when parsing date strings Category-I18N
9219 Invalid How do I install GWT-2.4 version of GWT-plugin in eclipse? Category-EclipsePlugin
9218 Invalid Resize particular column only in DataGrid. Its should not effect remaining columns.
9217 Invalid Long Polling is not working fine with chrome browser
9216 Invalid some online videoplayers lack facility to view back some point to find error/have clarity
9215 Invalid Chrome always ask me to install google-web-toolkit but i already installed Category-DevPlugin
9214 Invalid I need to crack these damm ponies!!!!!! spam
9213 Invalid Incorrect javadoc for TouchEvent
9212 MovedToGithub Option to remove dependency on DOM
9211 MovedToGithub GSS: custom function are not able to recognize some constants Category-GSS Milestone-2_8
9210 MovedToGithub Using @ScriptAssert validation annotation breaks compilation Category-Validation jsr303
9209 MovedToGithub RequestBuilder support for sending FormData (or JavaScriptObject)
9208 NotPlanned Devmode and script Date inconsistency Category-JRE
9207 Invalid Error Category-DevPlugin
9206 MovedToGithub SDM Incremental compile fails after adding a client side class with an annotation that points to a server-only class
9205 MovedToGithub Arrays.deepToString throws an assertion when passed a nested array. Category-JRE Type-Defect
9204 MovedToGithub The Ctrl-Z/Undo shortcut causes text to duplicate in IE-11. Category-UI
9203 MovedToGithub callee.caller in class StackTraceCreator throw exception in mobile Safari, and some versions of the MacOS Safari
9202 Fixed Release notes refers to -noSuperDevMode instead of -nosuperDevMode Category-Documentation
9201 MovedToGithub Expose Layer#setChildHorizontalPosition in UIBinder Category-UI
9200 Invalid GWT 2.7 - Not able launch the application in IE11. GWT supports IE11?
9199 MovedToGithub Constant types do not propagate properly in GSS category-gss Milestone-2_8
9198 Invalid cannot open gwt designer in eclipse luna and gwt 2.6.0 Category-Designer
9197 Duplicate Double.toString(1.98602732259782E-16) gives 1.98602732259782e-16
9196 MovedToGithub HTMLPanel tag tr Category-UI
9195 MovedToGithub Element.getClassName() returns SVGAnimatedString for SvgElement
9194 MovedToGithub java.util.Collections.copy(List dest, List src) appends dest instead of overwriting. Category-JRE Milestone-2_8
9193 Invalid The number of permutations are increasing from 1 to 2 when i upgrade from gwt2.6.0 to 2.7.0
9192 MovedToGithub GWT could do with a Toolbar widget
9191 MovedToGithub Lambda transformation produces duplicated class names when placed in anonymous local class Category-Compiler Type-Defect
9190 MovedToGithub AssertError in draft mode for duplicate method reference symbol java8 Category-Compiler Type-Defect
9189 Invalid java.lang.NullPointerException: entry on switching to design mode Category-Designer
9188 Duplicate GWT Developer Plugin for Google Chrome is not working Category-DevPlugin
9187 MovedToGithub Regression bug with compiling generic method Category-Compiler
9186 MovedToGithub GssResourceGenerator fails to recognize defined variables as numeric Category-GSS Milestone-2_8
9185 Invalid unable to open gwt ui with winbuilder Category-Designer
9184 Duplicate Compile project hangs with a particular code structure
9183 Invalid GWT plug in Stopped working with todays Chrome Update - 42.0.2311.90 m
9182 MovedToGithub StringBuilder must be optimised to String by compler
9180 Invalid Cannot open gwt design editor Category-Designer
9179 MovedToGithub Script base discovery in nocache.js doesn't work with native HTML imports
9177 MovedToGithub Caching problem for nocache.js files. Priority-High Category-Compiler
9174 MovedToGithub Changes to annotation classes not picked up by SuperDevMode
9172 Invalid Designer Issue Category-Designer
9171 MovedToGithub InterfaceGenerator should support CSS3 and GSS Milestone-2_8
9170 MovedToGithub my creation
9169 MovedToGithub Constants Map values do not iterate in declaration order in Chrome Category-I18N
9168 MovedToGithub Unit tests must use different -war directories depending on whether running in -prod mode or in dev mode
9167 MovedToGithub Ability to use classpath-jars to avoid long classpath issues.
9166 MovedToGithub JSNI references to unsupported types should break the compile. Category-Compiler Type-Defect
9165 MovedToGithub PopupPanel is positioned horizontally using "left" even in RTL locales
9164 MovedToGithub Emulation: Date.fixDaylightSavings() issues when modifying minutes via setMinutes()
9163 Invalid KeyGenerator throws exception Category-I18N
9162 MovedToGithub public *boolean* PlaceController.goTo(Place newPlace)
9161 MovedToGithub No way to filter places in ActivityManager.onPlaceChangeRequest
9160 Duplicate DatePicker does not work on Safari Category-JRE Type-Defect Milestone-Planned
9159 Invalid Tracing compile failure depth is insufficient to reveal error Category-Compiler
9158 Invalid ConstantsWithLookup is not picking the values at Runtime
9157 Invalid Incomplete dtd
9156 MovedToGithub Java 8 Interface clinit invocation Category-Compiler
9155 MovedToGithub Enum values are not initialized in production mode
9154 Fixed Compiler can't find entry point class since commit 0d4e399 "Refactors file watching logic in compiler."
9153 MovedToGithub Some super calls are incorrectly optimized for @JsTypes Category-Compiler Type-Defect
9152 NotPlanned Constant "Something other than a short was returned from JSNI method" errors
9151 MovedToGithub Compilation falls when using java 9 java9 Category-Compiler
9150 MovedToGithub ClientBundle generator doesn't accept paths starting with '/' while for some tools this leading "/" is needed
9149 MovedToGithub cross button visible in disabled in drop down when running gwt app in IE11
9148 MovedToGithub FlexTable ColumnFormatter.setWidth() does not work with column span.
9147 AsDesigned elemental.json.impl.JsonUtil.quote() missing null-check Category-Elemental
9146 MovedToGithub DateTimeFormat era format bugs Category-I18N
9145 MovedToGithub Set access modifier to Public for abstract inner class Splitter within user.client.ui.SplitLayoutPanel
9144 MovedToGithub GWT checkbox rendering slowness on IE11
9143 MovedToGithub IncompatibleRemoteServiceException leaks internal code information Category-RPC Security
9142 MovedToGithub Super Dev Mode compilation bug: java.util.Collections$EmptyList.get( => java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0
9141 MovedToGithub Super Dev Mode stepping slow in Chrome DevTools
9140 MovedToGithub Emulate Collections.rotate
9139 Invalid I need to get the text box border red when the input is invalid in GWT, Can someone please help on this?
9138 MovedToGithub Send only the changes from server to request factory Category-RPC
9137 MovedToGithub emulated compiler stack mode does not work as of GWT 2.7.0 Category-JRE
9135 MovedToGithub Codeserver history handling shows exception in browser's console Category-Compiler
9134 MovedToGithub treatment of JS Date is not compatible with JSON.stringify
9133 MovedToGithub selected tab in tab panel is getting over popup Category-Documentation
9132 MovedToGithub JreJsonObject stringifyOrder sorts keys in incorrect order
9131 MovedToGithub Empty GSS file causes NullPointerException category-gss Milestone-2_8
9130 MovedToGithub ArrayList emulation should be able to preallocate space
9129 MovedToGithub Automatically export GWT code using the closure compiler Category-Documentation
9128 AsDesigned @external CSS classes can not be used within conditional CSS
9127 MovedToGithub copying and pasting a text in a text box widget throws an unknown error.
9125 MovedToGithub Generated .properties file lacks "few" and "many" plural forms Category-I18N
9124 MovedToGithub DatePicker displays incorrect dates on iOS Type-Defect Category-JRE Milestone-Planned
9123 MovedToGithub c.g.g.geolocation incorrectly relies on auto-boxing Doubles in JSNI return types
9122 AsDesigned GSS doesn't support variables inside Colors functions
9121 MovedToGithub GSS can't parse variables inside @media() declaration in CSS file category-GSS