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google-web-toolkit - issue #9222

Server side Rendering

Posted on Jul 9, 2015 by Swift Bear

There is new trend of moving back to server side rendering. It was first introduced by React and now other frameworks are starting to follow suit. For example Angular 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wvZ7gakqV4 . Can we have similar feature in GWT ?

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 9, 2015 by Swift Rhino

The issue tracker has moved to GitHub: http://www.gwtproject.org/lifeofanissue.html

That said, for this specific topic, I think you should rather start a discussion in the forum: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/google-web-toolkit It's been announced that the next release after GWT 2.8 (namely, GWT 3.0) will be a major breaking change, and that widgets might not even "survive"; so a request for enhancement the answer might be "no". There are other ways to do "rendering" with GWT though, that don't preclude server-side rendering, so I suggest starting a discussion instead.

Status: Invalid

Category-UI Type-Feature