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ID Status Summary
373 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sons-of-obsidian.css Type-Patch
372 New Patch for /trunk/src/lang-sql.js Type-Patch
371 New Inconsist TCL Syntax higlighter
370 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/prettify.css Type-Patch
369 New Syntax highlight for Robot Framework syntax
368 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sons-of-obsidian.css Type-Patch
367 New Syntax Highlighting for Rebol (and Red) programming languages
366 New FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS should not contain `do`
365 New Problem with backslash in VB
364 New Patch for /trunk/src/awkirin.css Type-Patch
363 New Line numbers carry over in clipboard using IE 11.
362 New Patch for /trunk/src/lang-vb.js Type-Patch
361 New Patch for /trunk/js-modules/run_prettify.js Type-Patch
360 New gzip disabled
359 New Feature request: AspectJ syntax highlighting.
358 WillNotFix "><img src=x onerror=prompt(1);>
357 New Patch for /trunk/src/lang-css.js Type-Patch
356 New Integration for Presentation
355 New Bash "$#" treated as comment
354 New Perl syntax highlighting does not recognize POD and highlights quotes in comments
353 New Java code highlighting does not support underscores in numeric literals
352 New Syntax highlight for Smalltalk
351 New Patch for /loader/prettify.css Type-Patch
350 Duplicate html not working
349 Invalid prettyPrintOne doesn't work with HTML
348 New Here's a patch for GLSL
347 New Rust highlighting doesn't handle lifetime parameters correctly
346 Invalid Issue with matlab code not distinguishing between single quoted strings and matrix transpose operation
345 New Support UnityScript?
344 New Update the JavsScript keywords list?
343 New How to use syntax highlighting in
342 New Fails with Scala triple-quoted string containing quote(s) inside
341 New MS-SQL - Escape character incorrect
340 New lang-hs should accept haskell as language name
339 New XML attributes with < symbol in value breaks syntax highlighting
338 Invalid Fails to handle less-than in certain circumstances
337 New Patch for /trunk/styles/desert.css Type-Patch
336 New VB Script single Quote comment
335 New Code review request Type-Review Priority-Medium
334 New How to use Go language support with self serving
333 Invalid < in code sample causes following code to not appear in prettified output
332 New How to use language extensions
331 New Assembly support
330 New Patch for /trunk/src/prettify.js Type-Patch
329 New Patch for /trunk/styles/desert.css Type-Patch
328 New Add support for Nimrod programming language
327 New Feature Request: Highlight modified lines (have patch)
326 New Add support for R
325 New Big line numbers are not shown correctly
324 Invalid MATLAB syntax highlighting treats all ' as starting strings
323 New SQL highlighter : Inbuilt functions are not highlighted
322 New // is handled as line comment in ML
321 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sons-of-obsidian.css Type-Patch
320 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sons-of-obsidian.css Type-Patch
319 New Add support for Elixir
318 New Menu for copy code to clipboard.
317 New Patch for /trunk/styles/desert.css Type-Patch
316 New syntax highlighting is not working in ajax
315 New Support for Racket
314 New Support for SML
313 New PHP syntax highlight does not support namespaces
312 New Support for Ada
311 New new file for Lasso syntax highlighting
310 New Feature request: Support for Verilog & System Verilog
309 New Bug br
308 New Curso Color on Dark Themes ?
307 New IE 10 Compatibility view - standards mode - word wrapping is lost (also applies to browser controls)
306 New Golang support needed
305 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sunburst.css Type-Patch
304 New Patch for /trunk/src/prettify.css Type-Patch
303 New Missing source headers
302 New prettify doesn't work with angle brackets
301 New Solarized Light color scheme as prettify skin
300 New Octal and unicode characters should be in one color
299 New Using lang-cs doesn't highlight the keywords `namespace` and `using`
298 New Language type json
297 New Patch for /trunk/src/lang-css.js Type-Patch
296 New [FEATURE] Parse GitHub style code blocks
295 New Powershell highlighting
294 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/lang-css.js Type-Patch
293 Invalid files not world readable
292 Invalid code not slelctin
291 New Indentation problem when dymanically insert html code
290 Invalid "match" should be highlighted keyword in OCaml
289 Invalid stype show hinh 1
288 Invalid css show hinh 1
287 Invalid Patch for /trunk/src/reset.css Type-Patch
286 Invalid non escaped brackets [....] get converted to links... how to disable that?
285 Fixed Mistype in README file
284 Fixed Add `bool` keyword for C# language
283 Fixed C# language inherits Java's specific keywords, but actually only has a few of them
282 New Syntax highlight for Haxe
281 Invalid Why do not function lang-matlab.js
280 New Code in <Style>-Tags is not highlighted as XML when using lang-xml
279 New Erlang support: possible problem related to CRLF line endings in comment lines
278 WillNotFix C include with <> become invisible
275 New Ruby class variables aren't fully highlighted
274 New Patch for /trunk/styles/sunburst.css Type-Patch
273 New Prolog language support (copied from Erlang)
272 New request BaCon syntax highlighting (basic for linux users)