
ID Status Summary
32 Fixed Should support "go get" Type-Defect Priority-High
31 Done Can't compile project Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Fixed Fails to compile with latest go release Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 Accepted Escape/Unescape for List/Dict needs saner formatting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 Fixed Namespace .Del can be forced to raise an error Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical
27 Done Decide the fate of unparser.go Type-Task Priority-Medium
26 Done Change all code in commands/* that builds list by hands to use ListBuilder Type-Enhancement Priority-High
25 Accepted gelo/commands/string.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
24 Accepted gelo/commands/math.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
23 Accepted gelo/commands/list.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
22 Accepted gelo/commands/dict.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
21 Accepted gelo/commands/control.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
20 Accepted gelo/commands/combinator.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
19 Accepted gelo/commands/argparse.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
18 Accepted gelo/vm.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
17 Accepted gelo/util.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
16 Accepted gelo/parser.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
15 Accepted gelo/namespace.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
14 Accepted gelo/list.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
13 Accepted gelo/interpreter.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
12 Accepted gelo/dict.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
11 Accepted builtins.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
10 Accepted api.go needs unit tests Type-Defect Priority-Critical
9 Accepted Factor the examples in tools/ Type-Defect Priority-Low
8 Accepted Unify formatting of errors and traces, make idiomatic Type-Defect Priority-Low
7 Accepted VM needs to keep information like name, lineno for better error messages Type-Enhancement Priority-High
6 Accepted Parser needs to keep track of line numbers Type-Enhancement Priority-High
5 Thinking Pass arguments with a mechanism other than defer? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
4 Accepted safe-eval needs a --with-env switch Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
3 Accepted TODO: clean up gelo/commands/control.go Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
2 Accepted TODO: clean up gelo/commands/argparse.go Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
1 Accepted Literate parser in gelrunner.go loops Type-Defect Priority-High