What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. cd gelo/src 2. make
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: a compiled binary of gelo and associated gelo tools.
[russ@myhost src]$ make
cd gelo; make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/russ/repos/gelo/src/gelo'
/home/russ/bin/6g -o _go_.6 parser.go interpreter.go vm.go api.go namespace.go trace.go types.go port.go list.go dict.go sym.go bool.go number.go quote.go error.go builtins.go util.go
rm -f _obj/gelo.a
/home/russ/bin/gopack grc _obj/gelo.a _go_.6
cp _obj/gelo.a "/home/russ/repos/go/pkg/linux_amd64/gelo.a"
make[1]: Leaving directory
cd gelo/extensions; make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/russ/repos/gelo/src/gelo/extensions'
/home/russ/bin/6g -o _go_.6 stdio.go listbuilder.go argparse.go
rm -f _obj/gelo/extensions.a
/home/russ/bin/gopack grc _obj/gelo/extensions.a _go_.6
cp _obj/gelo/extensions.a "/home/russ/repos/go/pkg/linux_amd64/gelo/extensions.a"
make[1]: Leaving directory
cd gelo/commands; make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/russ/repos/gelo/src/gelo/commands'
/home/russ/bin/6g -o _go_.6 all.go eval.go argparse.go names.go control.go types.go port.go string.go dict.go math.go list.go logic.go copy.go combinator.go io.go regexp.go error.go util.go
rm -f _obj/gelo/commands.a
/home/russ/bin/gopack grc _obj/gelo/commands.a _go_.6
cp _obj/gelo/commands.a "/home/russ/repos/go/pkg/linux_amd64/gelo/commands.a"
make[1]: Leaving directory
cd tools; make install
make[1]: Entering directory /home/russ/repos/gelo/src/tools'
6g gelrun.go
6g geli.go
geli.go:104: history.Iter undefined (type vector.StringVector has no field Iter)
geli.go:105: typechecking loop
geli.go:244: lines.Iter undefined (type vector.StringVector has no field Iter)
geli.go:245: typechecking loop
geli.go:256: (&history.*StringVector·Slice(_make_slice(vm, "see", args))).Iter undefined (type vector.StringVector has no field Iter)
geli.go:257: typechecking loop
geli.go:402: acc.Data undefined (type vector.Vector has no field Data)
geli.go:412: typechecking loop
geli.go:463: r.lines.Iter undefined (type vector.StringVector has no field Iter)
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: * [tools] Error 2
[russ@myhost src]$
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? rev.8e61802f62; Archlinux 2010.05 amd64 with go a874585a5d2e tip.
Please provide any additional information below. In order to get it to compile, had to modify the makefiles to make them more crossplatformy. Attached the patch for the makefiles.
Also hacked the code a bit to get it to compile with some unclever alternative lines of code but the only example that seems to produce any output is syntax.gel. The turtle examples work just fine with my "fixes". Attached a patchfile for those fixes as well for review.
Comment #1
Posted on Jul 27, 2010 by Helpful RabbitThis go-nuts discussion is relevant: http://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/browse_thread/thread/273f5cbb670e7798/124f54d033fe062c
Comment #2
Posted on Jul 27, 2010 by Helpful RabbitHere is a better patch as per the instructions given by Russ Cox regarding how to handle the missing Iter(). Still not sure if it works since none of the gelo examples (other than syntax.gel) produce output...
Comment #3
Posted on Jul 27, 2010 by Grumpy GiraffeThis issue was closed by revision be786ffed9.
Status: Fixed