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ID Status Summary
171 Duplicate Django 1.4 timezone support
170 New Docs misleading: url config is not optional
169 New Add scale&crop
168 New Support User Specified FileSystemStorage for ImageField
167 New Changing the Image Quality.
166 New changing the width/height of a photo size should invalidate cache for that size
165 New Help on an error
164 New AccessInit: hash collision: 3 for both 1 and 1
163 New Add custom ordering in photo list
162 Duplicate In Django 1.3, FileField no longer deletes files
161 Fixed Hungarian localization
160 New Wjy unique constraint on photo titles?
159 New Photo Size Throwing Error on save
158 New No base.html example; root.html link to base.html can resolve ambiguesly.
157 New UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte, related to #127
156 New gallery upload doesn't work
155 New def add_reflection(im, bgcolor="#00000", amount=0.4, opacity=0.6):
154 New ImageModel Save Method Always sets date_take property to
153 New better exif support needed
152 New Unsupported cyryllic name of Watermark
151 Duplicate GalleryUpload with len(title) > 50 causes a crash.
150 New Change fotos order
149 New add/mark a default photo for a gallery
148 New OperationalError: no such table: tagging_tag
147 New dumpdata->loaddata fails due to photologue auto creating tagging_taggeditems inserts when tagging is used (in PgSQL at least)
146 Fixed Add pt translation to photologue
145 New Add Photo template rejects all path values
144 New PHOTOLOGUE_PATH only works for module.function and not package.module.function
143 New SuspiciousOperation while uploading zip file with non-latin names files
142 DecisionNeeded Support for multiple users: out of scope? Type-Enhancement
141 New Memory Error While adding photosize, with pre-cache and an image too large already uploaded
140 Accepted Should check for tagging in INSTALLED_APPS, not just test import Type-Enhancement
139 Fixed Norwegian Bokmål Translation
138 New Image quality not reduced by a preprocessor_spec
137 WontFix Remove .svn folders from zip file
136 Fixed turkish localization / türkçe
135 Fixed Danish locale file
134 New photologue date picture taken defaults to photo added date and not exif data
133 Fixed Dutch locale
132 Invalid don't work under Windows
131 New Setting for default images crop method
130 New Generate Valid File names with patch to current SVN
129 Duplicate Increase the size of the name field for photosize
128 New plinit crash when adding effect to already existing admin thumbnail settings
127 Fixed Unusual Filenames Error
126 WontFix Using ImageModel outside Photologue still requires Photologue application
125 Fixed Spanish-Spain translations
124 Invalid Adding new photo size with pre-cache option causing time out
123 Invalid Ability to add a prefix for static content?
122 Duplicate res/ directory not installed with setup
121 Fixed The egg published at pypi has some dirs missing
120 New error: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django_photologue-2.2.egg-info: Permission denied
119 Accepted Support multibyte filename
118 New Media RSS feed generation for galleries
117 Fixed german locale
116 Fixed [Broken tests] after fresh install because of missing res/ directory
115 Fixed next_in_gallery and previous_in_gallery template tags should be inclusion tags
114 Invalid uploading photos fails without django-tagging installed
113 New Support for tinymce-gallery-connection
112 Fixed SITE_MEDIA dependency makes for difficult scaling
111 New rotation doesnt effect corresponding thumbnails
110 Fixed should include the templates
109 Fixed move date_taken out of ImageModel
108 New enhancement: admin field/widget for related Photo fields in other models
107 New migrating from photologue 1.x to 2.x
106 New [patch] Strings for localization and Russian locale
105 Fixed storage compatiblity for gallery uploads
104 Fixed Order of GalleryUpload files.
103 Fixed Definition of max_length for ImageModel
102 Accepted Please change fix upload_to definition in photologue3 3.0
101 New Add batchadmin and mark template strings for translation
100 Fixed Gallery function Settings
99 WontFix Image file field not required
98 Invalid How i can configure the watermark in photogue 3
96 New [patch] rotate images according to EXIF orientation tag
95 Fixed please update
94 Fixed Pressing "save and continue" for gallery upload raise an exception
93 Invalid galleryupload in admin action log has a wrong link
92 Accepted Watermark Quality Type-Enhancement
91 Accepted Suggestion: stop using get_SIZE_url as the method names Milestone-3.0
90 Fixed height=0 with "crop to fit" enabled crashes
89 Fixed RuntimeError at /admin/photologue/photoeffect/4/delete/: maximum recursion depth exceeded
88 Accepted Option to to resize the original photo Type-Enhancement
87 Accepted Use numeric representation for the month in generic view urls. Type-Enhancement Milestone-3.0
86 Fixed "Quality" setting is not applied in some cases
85 Invalid How to add a new locale translation? Translation
84 Fixed Patch for not translated strings Translation
83 Fixed Italian translation Type-Localization
82 Fixed Make photos searchable in admin interface
81 Invalid Error retrieving thumbnail in admin interface
80 Fixed Little mystake in readme.txt file
79 Duplicate i18n: Add Russian translation Type-Localization Priority-Medium
78 Fixed Can't import photologue from custom template tag libraries Type-Defect Priority-Medium
77 Fixed attempt to create photosize with height and width both of zero caused server errors Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
76 Invalid bug during syncdb Type-Defect Priority-Medium
75 Duplicate Integrate Photologue into a sitemap.xml Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
74 New Deleting photo also deleted a custom model instance linked via a ForeignKey Type-Defect Priority-Medium
73 Invalid deleting and ImageModel concrete subclass instance throws unneccessary and imprecise error if the image attribute is empty Type-Defect Priority-Medium
72 WontFix Ordering photos in the galleries Type-Defect Priority-Medium
71 Invalid Unicode error while trying to remove image Type-Defect Priority-Medium