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django-photologue - issue #153

better exif support needed

Posted on Mar 20, 2010 by Massive Dog

Giving easy access to the exif data is nice, However, many of the dictionary keys in the exif object contain spaces. This makes using the exif data in templates virtually impossible.

a possible route might be a template tag that takes a photo object and a string equating to the key in the EXIF property

{% exif myphoto "Image Make" %}

Comment #1

Posted on Nov 25, 2010 by Massive Dog

simple implementation for a tag that returns the exif prop from an image.

Properties must be separated by an underscore

assuming photo is a Photo() object

{% exif photo Image_Model %} {% exif photo EXIF_Flash %} {% exif photo EXIF_ExifImageLength %} x {% exif photo EXIF_ExifImageWidth %}


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