
ID Status Summary
29 New java: waitFor in com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy has been deprecated Type-Defect Priority-Medium
28 Done unsupport jdk1.5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
27 Fixed SingleThreadedClaimStrategy can go into a state where it does not block even if the ring is full Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 Invalid Problem with handleEventWith.then Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Fixed Minor javadoc tweak Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 Done move to git or hg Type-Task Priority-Low
23 Done How could one contribute? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Fixed Wrong contract of translateTo() method in EventTranslator interface Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 WontFix Patch for /trunk/code/src/main/com/lmax/disruptor/RingBuffer.java Type-Patch
20 Fixed javadoc: package.html example anonymous EventFactory interface wrong Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 Invalid WorkerPool failed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Invalid Another way to avoid False Sharing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 WontFix BatchEventProcessor un-teriminate Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 New waitForFreeSlotAt() uses LockSupport.parkNanos(1L) can take up to 15ms on Windows Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 WontFix Lost Data Enqueueing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 Fixed Calls to LifecycleAware.{onStart, onShutdown} are not wrapped in an exception handling block Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 Fixed BatchEventProcessor does not catch types that derive from Error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Fixed passing en empty Array into Disruptor.then() causes elements in the ring buffer to be overwritten before passed to an handler Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Fixed Remove all IDE specific artifacts from source code control Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Fixed several invocations of different RingBuffers from same thread are leading to misbehavior Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Fixed Disruptor DSL not working with SequenceReportingEventHandler Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed Add thousand separators to perf test results Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 Fixed Compute the expected result by using an arithmetic series instead of looping and adding Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
6 Fixed Patch for /trunk/code/src/perf/com/lmax/disruptor/support/LatencyStepHandler.java Type-Patch
5 Fixed Patch for /trunk/code/src/perf/com/lmax/disruptor/Pipeline3StepLatencyPerfTest.java Type-Patch
4 Invalid Gradle Build Support Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
3 Fixed Patch for /trunk/code/.project Type-Patch
2 Fixed Publish to Maven Central Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
1 Done Typo on the front page Type-Defect Priority-Medium