Patch attached to add support for building via Gradle. This could be extended to handle publishing to a Maven repository if there was any interest in avoiding Maven at all costs :)
gradle eclipse - setup Eclipse project config gradle idea - setup IntelliJ IDEA project config gradle jar - compile, test and put jar in build/libs gradle perfTest - compile and run the perf tests gradle task - list all other available build tasks
Note that the auto-bootstrapping feature of gradle is configured in this patch but the wrapper is not included as it involves a small binary .jar. To generate the wrapper run and commit the results of:
gradle wrapper
A developer can then build the app or configure it for their IDE without having Gradle (or Ant) installed by running:
./gradlew <task>
- 0001-gradle-support.patch 2.21KB
Comment #1
Posted on Aug 30, 2011 by Helpful RhinoThis is an enhancement, not a defect.
Comment #2
Posted on Aug 30, 2011 by Swift RhinoYes, sorry about that but as a non-admin of the project all new issues are created as defects as far as I can tell.
Comment #3
Posted on Nov 3, 2011 by Helpful RhinoPlease report this in a more appropriate place.
Status: Invalid