Welcome to nTorrent
nTorrent - A graphical user interface client to rtorrent (a cli torrent client) written in java. nTorrent can administer a rtorrent process over a network and allows several clients.
<wiki:gadget url="http://www.ohloh.net/p/ntorrent/widgets/project_basic_stats.xml" height="220" border="1" />
nTorrent-0.5.1 is out!
- Connect to several rtorrent processes on the local machine or/and on a network.
- Supports SSH, HTTP, and LOCAL connection methods.
- ~~Copy, erase or open torrents directly from a ssh/local connection.~~ (stub)
- Simple customizable graphical user interface.
- Capable of translation, currently in several languages.
- Add torrents from url or files.
- Associate nTorrent with torrent files
- Label, group and search for torrents.
- Change torrents priority
- View torrent info.
- View torrent files.
- Set priority on individual files.
- View tracker info.
- Enable/disable trackers
- View peer info.
- Change nTorrents appearance through java's L&F framework.
- Capable of being extended by plugins.
Looking for a mac user to test the mac app file, and figure out the file assosciations method of mac osx
nTorrent-0.4 was my first try at a remote graphical user interface to rtorrent, however there were several problems with the libraries i used and the way programmed the application, "on the fly" without any consideration to the future development :) .
In a sense my first try was a "proof of concept", and the rewrite of nTorrent with 0.5 version has vastly improved many elements of the code and user interface.
- Connect to an rtorrent process on the local machine or on a network.
- Supports SSH, HTTP, and LOCAL connection methods.
- Copy, erase or open torrents directly from a ssh/local connection.
- Simple graphical user interface.
- Capable of translation, currently in several languages.
- Add torrents from url or files.
- Associate ntorrent with torrent files
- Label and group torrents.
- View torrent info/files.
- View tracker info
- Change torrents priority
What nTorrent needs
- Translations
- Application testing
- Installation and running documentation
- Word of encouragement for continued development.
You can download nTorrent from the "downloads tab" on this page. If you are however interested in the latest version, you can download from the SVN repository.
svn co http://ntorrent.googlecode.com/svn/trunk ntorrent
This will create a folder ntorrent containing the sourcefiles in your current working directory. to run the application you can issue the "ant run" (Apache Ant) command within the ntorrent directory. run "ant" to list out other build targets.
If you can't find the help your looking for, try the public discussion group or email me, allthough discussion group is preferred.
Thanks to
nTorrent was made possible by:
GNU GPL, Gimp, GoogleCode, Java, rTorrent,Tango Desktop Project, Redstone XMLRPC, JCraft Jsch, JPF (Java Plugin Framework), Apache Ant, JarBundler, Launch4j, Eclipse
<wiki:gadget url="http://www.ohloh.net/p/ntorrent/widgets/project_users.xml" height="100" border="0" />