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ID Status Summary
136 Accepted Visual glitches in "Plugin" menu Type-Defect
135 Invalid rwfz Type-Defect
134 New Applications Start Failed: org.java.plugin.PluginLifecycleException ... Type-Defect
133 Accepted Language Problem Type-Defect
132 New Does not add torrent greater than 1 MB Type-Defect
131 Fixed Unable to connect with current version of xmlrpc-c Type-Defect
130 Invalid nTorrent wont connect Type-Defect
129 Invalid nts/rtorrent/Config/Zandive.rc Type-Defect
128 Accepted nTorrent-bin-0.5.1.tar.bz2 is a tar bomb Type-Defect
127 Invalid Empty dialog box on trying to connect in Mac OS X Type-Defect
126 Invalid if i save a SSH connection i cannot enter there... Type-Defect
125 Accepted Enhance peer table with this functionality Usability Type-Enhancement
124 Accepted Switch from "threads + sleep" to swing timers. Type-Enhancement
123 Accepted 1TB Uploaded Type-Defect
122 New Window repainting not working correctly on both Linux and Windows Type-Defect
121 New Usage of different source folders Type-Defect
120 Fixed Add "Label" column on the torrent list Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.5
119 Fixed 1 day = 24 hours Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.5
118 Accepted would be good if nTorrent's dimonsions are persistent between sessions. Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.7
117 Accepted Initial Seeding [Superseeding] Type-Defect Milestone-Release1.0
116 Fixed Kb for speed, better KB? Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.5
115 Invalid French characters not correctly displayed Type-Defect
114 Fixed Target drive space not reported Type-Enhancement Milestone-Release0.5 Usability OpSys-All
113 Accepted Not able to delete torrent data Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6
112 Duplicate Doesn't run on Lepoard 10.5.6 Type-Defect
111 Invalid Crash of rTorrent v0.8.4 while connecting with nTorrent v0.5 (A problem occured during parsing) Type-Defect
110 Duplicate v0.5 Mac Application Won't Open. Type-Defect
109 Invalid Can't find plug-in class ntorrent.data.Environment Type-Defect
108 Fixed Allow socket connect for non-localhost Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6
107 WontFix nTorrent 0.5 fails to open in OSX 10.5.5 (Java 1.6 update installed) Type-Defect
106 Fixed Add user and password fields to proxy configuration Type-Defect Milestone-Release0.6
105 Duplicate Can't save any profile under Mac OS. Type-Defect
104 Invalid can't connect on mac. blank dialog box. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
103 WontFix When using Ntorrent, the program will close completely at random times. I have to restart Ntorrent many times throughout the day. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
102 Invalid When using Ntorrent, the program will close completely at random times. I have to restart Ntorrent many times throughout the day. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
101 Invalid hs_err Type-Defect Priority-Medium
100 Accepted Profile Will Not Save In Mac Version Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-OSX
99 Accepted closing tab doesn't disconnect Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release0.6
98 Accepted Compress xmlrpc commands Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
97 Fixed tab opened with wrong label Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6
96 Accepted problem highlight a lot of torrents Type-Defect Priority-Medium
95 Invalid application failed to start: java Type-Defect Priority-Medium
94 Accepted flickering in the tabs Type-Defect Priority-Medium
93 Accepted Files tab, table ui throws exceptions if it visible on changing torrent selection. Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-Release0.6
92 Accepted Zombie torrents Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6
91 Invalid Init problem? SCGI? XMLRPC? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
90 Started drag and drop torrent support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5
89 Accepted File tab does not auto-update Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.0 Usability
88 Verified Selected rows are defective in color, probably due to some margin Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release0.5 Component-UI
87 Invalid Tabs are called 'tab name' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
86 Duplicate closing profile doesn't close completely Type-Defect Priority-Medium
85 Accepted Add protocol specific extensions Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6
84 Duplicate File tab with multiple dirs still has issues Type-Defect Priority-Medium
83 Blocked torrent file does not load Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.5
82 Verified no identifier for torrents being hash checked Type-Defect Priority-Medium
81 Accepted open dialog not properly refreshed Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
80 Accepted blank torrent line Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release0.6
79 Fixed throttle controller missing units Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability Milestone-Release0.5 Component-UI
78 Accepted missing text in add torrent box Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0 Usability Component-UI
77 Verified problem adding torrent with 2 or more profiles Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-Release0.5
76 Invalid typo in the right click menu Type-Defect Priority-Medium
75 Verified information not populated in tab after being enabled Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability Component-UI Milestone-Release0.5
74 Accepted Graphical glitch in torrent files tab Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-Release1.0 Component-UI Usability
73 Verified readability problem with torrent tracker tab Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability Component-UI
72 Accepted Clarification of error messages Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI Usability Milestone-Release1.0
71 Verified torrent tab not cleared Type-Defect Priority-Low
70 New Start all / Stop all button Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release1.0 Usability
69 Verified Tabs are not cleared when torrent is removed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
68 Duplicate Unclear message when logon fails Type-Defect Priority-Medium
67 Fixed Error displaying multiple files in directory structure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 Verified Layout in cells are not correctly aligned Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI Usability Milestone-Release0.5
65 Verified torrent tab info not populated Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI Usability Milestone-Release1.0
64 Invalid unloading torrent sorter plugin unloads labeler plugin Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 Fixed Compartementalize ntorrent.profile plugin.
62 Fixed auto reload torrent info tab after open/close Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI Usability Milestone-Release0.5
61 Fixed Starting nTorrent with torrent files or urls don't work unless nTorrent is already running and has connected sessions Type-Defect Priority-High
60 Verified usability problem with throttle controller Type-Defect Priority-Medium
59 Fixed new peers tab Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-Release0.5
58 Verified open/close torrent Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
57 Verified enable/disable trackers Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
56 Accepted Change directory of a torrent Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
55 Verified remember window size/location through restarts Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
54 Verified Autoconnect on startup does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Verified Tray icon plugin doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 Verified Skin plugin not remember Type-Defect Priority-Medium
51 Accepted option to choose whether to start uploaded torrents Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
50 Verified problem with newly added torrents Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 WontFix Multiple torrent upload Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
48 Verified RSS feed Downloader Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 Verified Minimize to systray icon Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-UI
46 Verified Problem fetching files info for torrents with lot of files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
45 Verified Gui actions are not executed in a seperate thread. this causes gui to be slow on large executions. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
44 Verified AWT-EventQueue exception on startup. Type-Defect Priority-Low
43 Verified ntorrent.torrenttable.sorter is using the same rowsorter instance over several sessions. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic Component-UI
42 Verified Really weird bug stopping torrenttable updates. Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic
41 Fixed Proxy gui profile wont save proxy settings properly from existing proxy profile. Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-UI Milestone-Release1.0
40 Verified Removing a Torrent that still active. Type-Defect Priority-Low
39 Accepted Applet version of ntorrent Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
38 Verified enabled plugins not remembered Type-Defect Priority-Critical
37 Verified Profile tab upon clicking connect Type-Defect Priority-Medium