
iPhone Khmer Localization

The purpose of this project is to be able to write, read Khmer Unicode, and have a full Khmer Localization for iPhone/iPod/iPad 3.x,4.x
Feel free to use, re-use, improve, everything posted on this site. This is for the iPhone Khmer community

Current iPhone/iPod/iPad Version Compatibility: 3.0.x - 3.1.x - 3.2.x - 4.0 - 4.0.1 - 4.1

Update 27 September 2010 : Project Closed


After more than a year running happily this project, it is time for me to end it. I hope that the iPhone Khmer Community and others have found useful the information and tools available here.

I hope that it made you happy to be able to write and read khmer on daily basis on your iDevices

I'm a French based in Cambodia since few years now, but it is time for me to move to other countries and new challenges ...

I have been happy to helped as much as I could, I hope that some will continue to develop and support the iDevice khmer community



PS: I will post tonight on Cydia my last package, the Khmer&Font package for 4.1.x

Update 26 September 2010 : layout-plist-to-keyboards-ios4 tool to generate keyboards for iOS4 is now available for download.

You can generate iOS4 keyboards for any language

The layout.plist follow the same format as the one previously defined by KennyTM

Wiki How_To_Build_Keyboard_iOS4 has been updated

kmFix for iOS4 is now available


Give Feedback on the keyboard. Thanks

Update 22 September 2010 : Coming this week update: iPad Keyboard - iOS4 kmFix - Tool to generate keyboard iOS4.' />

Update 21 September 2010 : iPad Keyboard coming this week...' />' />' />' />' />

Update 13 September 2010 :
More than 100 Downloads in 24H for the new iOS4 Khmer Keyboard.

Khmer community is the first community in the world to have a custom keyboard layout for iOS4

iPad Keyboard work in progress...

Update 12 September 2010 : New Cydia Repo up and running

The Package is available at the new cydia repo'>

If you want to know more about the package content :'>

NB: The font bug in the new font arialuni.ttf is remaining in this version when trying to type more than 32 characters. I couldn't spend more time to try to fix the bug. I still have to work on the khmer keyboard for iPad.

Update 10 September 2010 : Current Package Status

iOS4 Keyboard & Fonts Packages and New Cydia repo will be coming this week-end.

Update 08 September 2010 : Current Package Status

I currently base the new font on the font for Mac OS X created by Mr. Danh Hong.
I got his authorisation to use it in the future package.

I started to ask beta tester to test the current package.

The current issue is with this new font. It seems that the font has issues if more than 32 glyphs are displayed in 1 line. I informed Mr. Danh Hong about this issue.

Hope to release the package soon

Update 26 August 10 : Keyboard iOS 4. Completed.' />' />' />' />' />' />

Font used for the keyboard are based on the glyphs from Khmer OS Sieam Reap which is a Free Font.

Information : It seems that the previous font used in the package was from a copyrighted font.
I then removed the font package from this web site.
I will try to find another font, free, for Mac OS X, in order to adapt it to iPhone.
I will update the progress.

Update 25 August 10 : Cydia Package update for ios4 (4.0, 4.0.1, iPhone 4 ...) update coming soon...

Sorry for answering late to everybody. So far, I was not planning to update the package for iOS4 due to time constraint on my side. Busy with work ;)

But as I do not see yet full package available on other web sites, and as many of you are still waiting to use
your new iPhone with Khmer package...

I then started last week to work on an upgrade of the package.

Everything should be easy updatable by many people on the community. (fonts, fix locale, translation ...)
Except the keyboard. The keyboard is an issue.

But after 3 days of reverse engineering of the iPhone 4 UIKit file. I finally get a working tool to generate keyboards.
Here is the first screenshots results from my iPhone 4.
This layout is for testing purpose. The final layout will follow the same layout as before.
The keyboard is working good so far ...' />' />' />

iPad Status: iPad keyboard follow more less the same logic. I'm today able to generate keyboard for it.
But I still need to work on few things, as the dimension of the keyboard for the iPad are not ok.

Add the source in your CYDIA

Check the'> wiki page if you don't know how to add a new source

Current Version: 0.5

NEW IN THIS VERSION : Sorting and Index in Khmer for Contacts and iPod' />' />' />' />' />' />

Cydia Available Packages

I split in 3 Packages in order to ease the update and to have light download package.

Section Keyboard: Khmer_Keyboard_Fonts - Package contains Keyboard and Fonts. (Thank to CuteVooDoo Team for the feedback)

Section Localization: kmFix - Package to Fix Khmer Regional Setting (Thank to CuteVooDoo Team for the feedback)

Section Localization: Khmer_iPhone_Localization_Package - Package for Applications translated in Khmer (Huge Thank to CuteVooDoo Team for the feedback)

What Do You Get With These Packages' />' />' />' />' />

After installing the files manually or from CYDIA, you should have on your iPhone:

-Khmer Unicode with proper rendering

-Some old legacy font (ABC and Limon)

-You can select a Khmer Keyboard if you are in English, French or Khmer Language

-You can change your regional setting to Khmer

-You can change language to Khmer. (Only few applications translated)

-You can use Khmer Index to navigate through your Contacts, Artists, Songs ...

Download the last package available from CYDIA.
Or if you want do via manual installation then follow the ReadMe!!! file instruction.

Tracking Version

v0.1: posted on mediafire on 08 August 09

- Initial version

v0.2: posted on mediafire on 09 August 09

- Bug Fix: The keyboard selection when the selected language is Khmer was wrong. The keyboard could only be activated from English Language.

v0.3: posted on 15 August 09

- Better fonts package (new font sizing, alignment, accent for french language, and all other language)

- Include french package, in order to be able to select the keyboard when french language is activated

- Fix: Notes application problem solved

- Fix: the bug for the display of the day. ;) (by upgrading the icu package)

- Fix: Keyboard long push on "p" corrected to deliver expected NIDA key as Alt P (Thanks to kk@111)

- New Localization - A big thanks to kk@111 for the Khmer localization.

NB: Make sure to backup the original icudt40l.dat. This file is CRITICAL for the iPhone system. I needed to modify this file to solve the original problem of it. This file do not have, originally, the day for khmer language. Now YES!

- The Chuon Nath dictionary for iPhone.
U need to have a dictionary on your iPhone which can read the stardict format.
The file to download has only the stardict dictionary content. Example (Wedict, Bamboo Dict Free, Dictionary Universal ...)

v0.4: posted on 23 August 09' />' />' />' />' />

  • The khmer iPhone package have been split in 3 packages to ease download and update on Cydia

  • New optimised fonts (Thanks to Rithy and kk@111)

  • New Keyboard 4 rows based on NIDA QWERTY Layout, with iPhone native look and feel (Thanks to kk@111)

  • New ICU fixing long day problem, short months, date format ... (Thanks to kk@111)

  • New localization package (big thanks to Rithy for the amazing translation work on this new update)
- Preferences (Partially)

- Phone (Partially)

- Safari (Almost complete)

- iPod (Almost complete)

v0.5: posted on 02 September 09

  • Only the kmfix and Khmer_iPhone_Localization_Package package have been updated

  • kmfix update :
-New ICU for sorting Consonant & Independent Vowel way
  • Khmer_iPhone_Localization_Package update :
-Few more translation
-Sorting & Index Khmer for Contacts and iPod

For more details check the wiki :'>



English Khmer Dictionary. Thanks Uponastar for the database. I only converted to stardict format, for iPhone.

For any issue, please create an issue topic in the tab "Issues". Thanks

Please support for translating more words from English to Khmer

Please go to and give comments, help to translate, only few minutes of your time to help to complete the translation.

You can, as well, visit the site'> for other iPhone Khmer information. The site is run by unponastar.

The 2 above web sites are not affiliated to the

Project Information

  • License: GNU GPL v2
  • 21 stars
  • svn-based source control

Khmer iPhone Localization keyboard dictionary unicode legacy font icu chuonnath cydia iOS4 custom iPad iPodTouch