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core-plot - AppsUsingCorePlot.wiki


This is a list of some of the apps on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad that are already shipping with Core Plot. Please add yours if you have one.


Mac OS X

  • Risk Engine: Monte Carlo Analysis for iWork Numbers and Excel
  • MacHeliosSim: Nuclear reaction calculator, and simulator for the HELIOS detector at Argonne National Lab.
  • mPortfolio: Stock Market portfolio tracking.
  • Property Evaluator: Real Estate Investment Analysis
  • My Little Pomodoro: Pomodoro timer for use with The Pomodoro Technique.
  • Charter: Plotting over UDP for scripting and programming.
  • Mental Case: The Study App
  • Harmonic Phase Flow: A left ventricle torsion estimation plugin for Osirix
  • MoneyWell: Personal finance and analysis
  • iGoTrack: Organize running circuits.
  • Pecunia: Online Banking and financial transactions tool with detailed analysis functionality.