This is a list of some of the apps on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad that are already shipping with Core Plot. Please add yours if you have one.
- OAnalyzer: The Orange Analyzer will allow you to graph data and find the trends that are present. You can either input your own data from a lab exercise, or import it from one of the three most popular spreadsheet apps.
- Stocks+: Stock portfolio tracking
- Rainspotting: Personal precipitation prediction.
- Variables: Graphical data analysis.
- Cashculator: Finance tracking and planning.
- Analytix: Google Analytics app.
- Green Home: Monitor energy consumption.
- AppAnalyzer: AppAnalyzer is an iPad application to view app usage statistics using Flurry Analytics.
- Fluid Flow: Hydraulic calculator for hydraulic system design professionals.
- PinPal: Bowling scorecard
- aBattery: Battery charge tracking
- FeedCount: Feedburner analytics
- AServPoint: Monitors JBossAS application servers
- Shattered Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzle game
- Chronic Pain Tracker: Monitor and communicate pain metrics
- GoRow: Rowing workout planner
- BabyBump: App for pregnancy
- Babymate: Monitors baby's development
- iDashStocks: Track stock prices
- Property Evaluator: Real Estate Analysis
- Swim 222: Track your swimming
- Fetal Weight: Estimates fetal weight during pregnancy
- Ina Ruwa: Advanced Weather app.
- Joggy Coach: Keep track of jogging progress and goals.
- Treibstoffverbrauch: Calculates fuel consumption (German language)
- SmartGrid: EirGrid application that allows users to browse and graphically view key energy-related data.
- Cube Time and Expense Tracker: Track expenses on iPhone and iPad
- Myworth: Personal net worth manager.
- TrackIt!: Track weight loss and eating habits.
- iPerformanceCoach: Helps increase productivity and focus.
- Water Storage iPhone: Monitor water storage in Australia
- Money Engine: Track and analyze your spending habits
- CalcRE: Real Estate Calculator
- Workout Logbook: Log your workouts.
- Germany Naturalisation Test +: Study for German naturalization test.
- ClickyTouch: Web Analytics app.
- LeaseSaver: Milage Tracking for Lease Cars.
- Invoice2go: Invoicing Software for iPad
- Morse Elmer: Morse code training
- DrinkControl: Track drinking habits
- SmartinhalerLive: Visualizes medication usage for Asthma patients.
- Monitor Your Weight: Helps you lose weight.
- iSmoothRun: Track your running with or without a GPS signal.
- Kilogram: Weight control tool.
- Audio Filter: Digital audio filters.
- Timesheeter: Time tracking.
- Smart MPG Tracker: Fuel economy tracker.
- Swim Guide: Browse beaches for swim quality.
- Option Strategy Risk Calculator: Calculator for options prices.
- Pocket Budget: Manage personal finances.
- PGF iBroker: Options and Futures trading.
- Fitness Manager: Manager your gym training.
- Stock Trends: Stock Analysis.
- il Tetto D'oro: Solar Panel Energy Monitoring.
- Analytiks: Google Analytics app.
- My Currency: Currency Converter.
- iBovespa: Stock management.
- Platter Speed: Calibrate the speed of a turntable.
- WorkPlace: Enterprise application solution.
- Tek:Fit: App for Crossfit community.
- 10bii Financial Calculator: A financial calculator based on HP's 10bii calculator.
- Timeable: Time tracking.
- DenkiMonitor: Monitor for the electric power supply in Japan.
- My Pain Diary: Track chronic pain
- BCN Móvil: Bank of Nicaragua
- Quick Confidence Interval: One-tail and two-tail confidence intervals
- Quick Mean Difference: Measure of statistical dispersion between means of two independent samples
- Treasurys: The Treasury yield curve
- Efficient Frontier: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) graph of maximum return for given level of risk
- Quick Linear Regression: Relationship between dependent and independent variables
- Lie Counter: Count lies as they happen
- Edgewise: Cycling Companion
- BabyGrow: Track growth of baby.
- Financial Calculator Pro: Estimate credit parameters and evaluate performance of deposits.
- Poker Analytics: Poker tracking.
- powerOne Financial Calculator: Financial calculator.
- powerOne Scientific Calculator: Scientific calculator.
- Watts of Sun: Solar power output from systems using enphase micro inverters and the Enlighten System Data API.
- iPerfectPutt: Motion-sensor based putting trainer.
- ibz Dashboard: Dashboard for monitoring governmental operations.
- Apofasi Decision Tool: Helps you make decisions.
- Renko Charts - FOREX ed: Foreign Exchange rate charts.
- myFuelLog: Track fuel and other automotive expenses.
- Common Core Look-fors (Mathematics, Technology, English Language Arts: App for teachers integrating the Common Core State Standards.
- FaceCount: Tracks who has unfriended you on Facebook.
- Blue Quadratic Solver: Solve and graph quadratic equations.
- Forex+: Foreign Exchange Rates (French)
- Currency Converter: Convert currencies.
- Sensor Kinetics: Monitor the accelerometer in your phone.
- MyRA: Track rheumatoid arthritis.
- Stats Pad: Statistical analysis package.
- MetricMe: Health and fitness tracker.
- 商腾网(Biswit): B2B cloud service.
- iBovespa: iOS App to follow stocks and create, manage and follow stocks portfolio.
- iConvert: Unit and Currency Converter.
- FaceCount: Find out who un-friended you on Facebook.
- Click Hear: A tool that assists dog trainers to see a graphical history of their clicker training sessions.
- QuantLua: A programmable historical stock simulator for select US stocks.
- iGraph It: Money flows, energy consumption, … transform all your data into clear and customizable charts.
- Decrastinate: Fight procrastination without even noticing it. DECRASTINATE and get things done.
- GeoFrance +: opendata (French only)
- Gym Genius: Gym Genius gives you the tools you need to improve your lifts with every workout and get results.
- InDigestion: InDigestion is an easy to use iOS app to generate in-silico digestions of proteins that are downloaded from the UniProt database.
Mac OS X
- Risk Engine: Monte Carlo Analysis for iWork Numbers and Excel
- MacHeliosSim: Nuclear reaction calculator, and simulator for the HELIOS detector at Argonne National Lab.
- mPortfolio: Stock Market portfolio tracking.
- Property Evaluator: Real Estate Investment Analysis
- My Little Pomodoro: Pomodoro timer for use with The Pomodoro Technique.
- Charter: Plotting over UDP for scripting and programming.
- Mental Case: The Study App
- Harmonic Phase Flow: A left ventricle torsion estimation plugin for Osirix
- MoneyWell: Personal finance and analysis
- iGoTrack: Organize running circuits.
- Pecunia: Online Banking and financial transactions tool with detailed analysis functionality.