
ID Status Summary
618 WontFix Receive Memory Warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
617 Invalid Core Plot will not compile in Xamarin Type-Defect Priority-Medium
616 Invalid Add annotation for single plot in CPTXYgraph Type-Defect Priority-Medium
615 Invalid X Axis Label Truncation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
614 Done Adds support for scaling and panning on Mac via Trackpad and Magic Mouse Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
613 Done Add accessibility support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
612 Fixed log scale minor ticks spacing looks incorrect Type-Defect Priority-Medium
611 Done Ability to add gesture recognizers to any CPTLayer based object Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
610 Invalid Apple Rejected app for UDID code within Core-Plot Type-Defect Priority-Medium
609 Fixed The swatchBorderLineStyle for a CPTLegend is drawn over with the borderLineStyle of a CPTPieChart Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
608 Fixed Grid lines should update when set to nil Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
607 Fixed CPTScatterPlotInterpolationCurved Type not working Correctly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
606 Fixed Restore compatibility for Leopard Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
605 Done xxxWasSelectedAtRecordIndex should fire on UP events, not down Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
604 Fixed CPTAnimation crash on commit 49ebaf7a84b520c85413bc4396dbeb6b1c58477e Type-Defect Priority-Medium
603 Fixed No longer builds in Xcode 4.6 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
602 Fixed Unexpected animationCancelled: notification Type-Defect Priority-Medium
601 Done Anchor alternatingBandFills to fixed locations so the band colors do not change when scrolling Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
600 Invalid segment date on axis Type-Defect Priority-Medium
599 Invalid Update podspec (maybe move project to github?) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
598 Fixed CPTAnimation is not thread safe Type-Defect Priority-Medium
597 Fixed Add styling of individual legend entries Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
596 Fixed Legend best-fit width cut-off titles on iOS7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
595 Done Support box plots Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
594 WontFix Y scale not good anymore after update Type-Defect Priority-Medium
593 Fixed Animating NSDecimal properties with CPTAnimation fails Type-Defect Priority-Medium
592 Fixed Momentum scroll + elastic global ranges conflict (OSX) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
591 Fixed Include annotations in pointinDeviceDown: handling chain + cursor changes Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
590 Done Fully support mouse + trackpad input for user action enabled plot spaces Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
589 Fixed Customizing media timing for elastic global ranges Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
588 WontFix Dynamic Axis Tickmarks for given date range Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
587 Fixed Scale plot space about a particular axis Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
586 WontFix Use CGRectIntegral() for crisp display of labels Type-Defect Priority-Medium
585 Fixed Momentum: crash when simply tapping on the chart without dragging Type-Defect Priority-Medium
584 Done iOS7 bad performance Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
583 WontFix CPTPlotRange.m commit breaks plotRange.y Type-Defect Priority-Medium
582 Invalid Memory leaks on iOS7? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
581 Fixed Momentum supersedes locking of plot range Type-Defect Priority-Medium
580 Invalid iOS Core Plot: backboardd[26] <Error>: CoreAnimation: failed to map Type-Defect Priority-Medium
579 Fixed CPTPieChart does not relay touch to CPTPlot for its labels Type-Defect Priority-Medium
578 Fixed Stepped Plot With Line Gradient Fill Changes Colors When Scrolled Type-Defect Priority-Medium
577 Duplicate Mixture Between CPTScatterPlotInterpolationCurved and CPTScatterPlotInterpolationLinear Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
576 Fixed Build error - missing string declaraions in CPTAnimation.h Type-Defect Priority-Medium
575 Fixed possible crash in CPTXYAxis.m Type-Defect Priority-Medium
574 Invalid Graph resize issue on window or split view resize Type-Defect Priority-Medium
573 Fixed CPTAnimation does not run while a modal dialog is open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
572 Done Line Selection Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
571 Invalid With iOS7 UILineBreakModeWordWrap and UITextAlignment have been deprecated. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
570 Duplicate multiple scatter plot with colored above area Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
569 Done Support rounded corners for stepped scatter plots Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
568 Done Support tree graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
567 Done Support word clouds Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
566 Done Support venn diagrams Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
565 Done Support sankey graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
564 Done Support arc graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
563 Done Support sunburst graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
562 Done Support nightingale graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
561 Done Support chord graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
560 Done Support stream graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
559 Done Support heat maps Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
558 Fixed CPTImage lost alpha channel Type-Defect Priority-Medium
557 Invalid Bars in bar chart gets shifted down when a shadow is added Type-Defect Priority-Medium
556 Fixed v 1.3 Demo Crashes in SimplePieChart Type-Defect Priority-Medium
555 Fixed CPTGraphHostingView's commonInit clobbers hostedGraph instance variable Type-Defect Priority-Medium
554 Fixed Hide plot with touch event Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
553 Invalid Custom Font for Axis labelTextStyle Type-Defect Priority-Medium
552 Invalid Doesn't work in iOS 5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
551 Done Performance issues in landscape mode (iPad) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
550 Invalid Core plot when you swipe on bars whether can we find the bars on swiped region ? Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
549 Invalid Memory warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
548 Invalid Adding BarPlotController:UIViewController view in a subview of another UIView. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
547 WontFix CPTBorderedLayer renders offscreen Type-Defect Priority-Low
546 Invalid Memory warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
545 Invalid problem with axis relabel Type-Defect Priority-Medium
544 Fixed CPTBarPlot barPlot:barWasSelectedAtRecordIndex: called even if bar is not selected. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
543 Invalid Zooming plot causes it to be drawn outside the axis Type-Defect Priority-Medium
542 Invalid Line in scatterplot shows beyond points with linear interpolation Type-Defect Priority-Medium
541 Fixed CPTLayer pixelAlign causes legend to move unexpectedly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
540 Duplicate Charts not getting plotted on iOS 5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
539 Duplicate CPTScatterPlot data point not plotted correctly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
538 Fixed Axis tickDirection distinct from the labelling direction. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
537 Fixed Support for different line break mode. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
536 Done Add plot animations Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
535 Fixed CPTCalendarFormatter does not support use of NSWeekCalendarUnit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
534 Done Support bubble charts Type-Enhancement Priority-Low NewPlotType
533 Fixed CPTMutableShaodow shadowBlurRadius moves CPTScatterPlot Type-Defect Priority-Medium
532 Invalid CorePlot 1.1 and 1.2 won't build under CocoaPods 0.17.2+ due to dtrace invocation error. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
531 Fixed Scatter Plot pan with momentum and rubber-band effect at global ranges Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
530 Invalid PlotSource.areaBaseValue bug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
529 Fixed Enable ARC in the Core Plot framework Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-Release2.0
528 Fixed Log-Scales for Values < 1 show no tick marks Type-Defect Priority-Medium
527 Done Source/repository is too big Type-Task Priority-Low
526 Fixed UILineBreakModeWordWrap deprecated warning Type-Defect Priority-Medium
525 Done CPTImage stretchable image support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
524 WontFix [CPTLegend legendWithPlots:] does not use retina graphics for plot symbols if plot is not part of the graph Type-Defect Priority-Medium
523 Duplicate [CPTLegend legendWithPlots:] does not use retina graphics for plot symbols if plot is not part of the graph Type-Defect Priority-Medium
522 Fixed depending on the order of the setup code, the default labels can be created before you set the labeling policy Type-Defect Priority-Medium
521 Fixed Don't shows charts on iOS 5 (CorePlot 1.2) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
520 WontFix Strange labeling with multiple x-axes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
519 Fixed cpt_weak breaking when target > 5 but not using arc Type-Defect Priority-Medium