
ID Status Summary
46 Verified Longest common subsequence finder Type-Feature Priority-Medium Library-LIB OpSys-All
45 Accepted Zuzu Tester should be able to partially load when there are failures Library-TEST Type-Defect Priority-High Module-TEST.RUNNER
44 New TypeTable Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Library-LIB Module-LIB.CONTAINERS
43 Accepted Reuse serialization streams in RemoteTester Type-Feature Performance OpSys-All Module-TEST.REMOTE Priority-Low Library-TEST
42 Verified AATree-of Type-Feature Priority-Low OpSys-All Module-LIB.CONTAINERS Library-LIB
41 Verified Support parentless TreeNodes Type-Feature Priority-Low OpSys-All Module-LIB.CONTAINERS Library-LIB
40 Started Right-click menu for TestRecordGrid Type-Feature Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER Library-TEST
39 Verified Test runner does not recognize tests from different instance of ZUZU.TEST Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER
38 Started Report when no tests can be loaded Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER Type-Feature Library-TEST
37 Accepted Test adapter framework for interface with external tests Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
36 Started Use TestCommands in VisualAppletDriver controls Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER Library-TEST
35 Verified RemoteTestManager class Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST.REMOTE Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
33 Verified Heap-of Type-Feature Priority-Low Module-LIB.CONTAINERS
32 Fixed Publish width/height procs in ZUZU.LIB Type-Feature Priority-Medium Module-LIB
31 Verified Move master project to subdirectory Type-Task Priority-Low
30 Accepted Unit tests for TEST.STANDARD package Type-Testing Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.STANDARD Library-TEST
29 Started Coverage assertions Type-Feature Priority-Medium Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
28 Verified Use stringent? = true in all packages Type-Task Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0
27 Accepted Create meta-test for missing boilerplate Type-Testing Priority-Low Library-TEST
26 Accepted Unit tests for ZUZU.TEST.REMOTE Type-Testing Priority-High Module-TEST.REMOTE Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
25 Verified Create template source files Type-Task Priority-Medium
24 Fixed Add license boilerplate to files Type-Task Priority-Medium Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0
23 Verified Better subapplet communication Type-Feature Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER
22 WontFix Decide on naming convention for test files Type-Task Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0
21 Started Test driver application Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
20 Accepted Define simple skin for zuzu project Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Library-LIB
19 Accepted TEST.LOG package Type-Feature Priority-Medium Module-TEST.LOG Library-TEST
18 Verified Move all test execution to subapplets Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER
17 Accepted Command line based script test driver Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST.SCRIPT-DRIVER Library-TEST
16 Verified Disable coverage controls in non-debuggable applets Type-Defect Priority-High Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER Milestone-Release1.0
15 Accepted TEST DGuide Type-Documentation Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
14 Verified Move history information out of Test class Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0
13 Fixed ZUZU.TEST.PERFORMANCE package Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST.PERFORMANCE Milestone-Release1.0
12 Accepted Unit tests for ZUZU.TEST.COVERAGE package Type-Testing Priority-Medium Module-TEST.COVERAGE Library-TEST
11 Verified Fix names in ZUZU.TEST.COVERAGE Type-Defect Priority-High
10 Verified Use options for TableTestDriver colors Type-Feature Priority-Medium Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER
9 Verified Click on test assert failures to bring up in editor Type-Feature Priority-Medium Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER Milestone-Release1.0
8 Verified Don't round coverage up to 100% Type-Defect Priority-High Module-TEST.APPLET-DRIVER
7 Accepted Reconcile TEST interface with one from CDU Type-Task Priority-Low Module-TEST Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
6 Fixed Support ability to apply coverage adjustments. Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST.COVERAGE
5 Verified Figure out how to install 3rd party DGuide pages Type-Task Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0 Module-TEST Library-TEST
4 Verified RecordGrid-based visual test driver Type-Feature Priority-High Module-TEST.CONTROLS Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
3 Started ZUZU.TEST.BASE doc strings Type-Documentation Priority-High Module-TEST.BASE Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
2 Started Unit tests for ZUZU.TEST.BASE Type-Testing Priority-High Module-TEST.BASE Milestone-Release1.0 Library-TEST
1 Accepted Curl IDE editor interface for testing Type-Feature Priority-Low Module-TEST Library-TEST