
ID Status Summary
63 Accepted GSL has extra options Type-Defect Priority-High
62 New Feature Suggestion: Undo Type-Defect Priority-Medium
61 New MassBalances.cc has [ ] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 Accepted Can't save edited SBML files Type-Defect Priority-Critical
59 Accepted RC2 does not allow users to open other file types Type-Defect Priority-High
58 Accepted Opening generic xml file from MenuBar does not update title bar Type-Defect Priority-High
57 Fixed File name change dialog changes the title of the main window Type-Defect Priority-High
56 Fixed Deleting or adding nodes to the specification tree does *not* trigger the tree unsaved notification (no dirty bubble) Type-Defect Priority-Critical
55 Fixed Sensitivity code for Matlab M code Type-Defect Priority-Critical
54 Fixed SolveMassBalances for Octave C from VFF Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Fixed Minor error: Spelling error on DataFile.m Type-Defect Priority-Medium
52 Fixed User should be prompted when closing window unsaved changes Type-Defect Priority-High
51 Accepted Multiple instances of name changing window Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 Fixed Creating new nodes with 2 windows open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 Fixed Generate Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis code Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical
48 Accepted Generate Kinetic metabolic models Type-Enhancement Priority-Critical
47 Fixed Drag and drop support between multiple windows Type-Enhancement Priority-High
46 Fixed Single window shut down closes all windows Type-Enhancement Priority-High
45 Fixed VFF to SBML/ SBML to OCTAVE M/ SBML to VFF Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Fixed Spelling error in Kinetics.m Type-Defect Priority-Medium
43 Fixed Auto populate items on the model tag Type-Defect Priority-Critical
42 Accepted Drop down list on tables sometimes doesn't work - Type-Defect Priority-Critical
41 Fixed Feature request: Multiple windows Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
40 Fixed VFF to Sundials-Output Handler -only GSL Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed SBML to SBML Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Fixed SBML to GSL does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Fixed VFF to GSL - does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
36 Fixed MAJOR MALFUNCTION: Local transport layer encountered an error on launch. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
35 Fixed Small Problem. Triple clicking lets you start editing the left nodes Type-Defect Priority-Medium
34 Fixed "You can't open the application Translater.app because it is not supported on this type of Mac" Type-Defect Priority-Critical OpSys-OSX
33 Duplicate "You can't open the application Translater.app because it is not supported on this type of Mac" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
32 Invalid Problem!!! Type-Defect Priority-Low
31 Invalid Missing icon in toolbar Type-Defect Priority-Medium
30 Invalid Octave-C prop file issue Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 Invalid minimization glitch occurs when opening an icon twice Type-Defect Priority-Low
28 Invalid Frozen project tool 2 Type-Defect Priority-Low
27 Invalid double icons Type-Defect Priority-Low
26 Invalid Frozen project tool Type-Defect Priority-Low
25 Invalid Frozen taskbar Type-Defect Priority-Low
24 Invalid Disappearing icons on task bar Type-Defect Priority-Low
23 Invalid Unstable porp editor. Type-Defect Priority-High
22 Invalid properties file editor froze Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Invalid BCX not generating, related to no output/input handeler drop down options Type-Defect Priority-High
20 Invalid Delete in BCX editor Type-Defect Priority-High
19 Invalid Loading SBML file from local directory Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Invalid Double click local files to open editors Type-Defect Priority-Critical
17 Invalid Busy cursor Type-Defect Priority-Critical
16 Invalid Test *all* generated code implementations Type-Defect Priority-Critical
15 Invalid Update the SBML network tool Type-Defect Priority-Critical
14 Invalid Store some user state of the system when the editor is closed down Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 Invalid Redesign the structure of the editor properties files Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Fixed Fix the order of directories and files in the project viewer (local file system) Type-Defect Priority-Critical
11 Fixed Fix the shadow directories in the Project tool Type-Defect Priority-Critical
10 Invalid Enable a test button on the model prop editor Type-Defect Priority-Critical
9 Invalid Enable the search box in the model file editor Type-Defect Priority-Critical
8 Invalid Match the template file with the options Type-Defect Priority-Critical
7 Invalid Enable server to handle different compartments with different volumes Type-Defect Priority-Critical
6 Invalid Enable sensitivity analysis in the GUI and test generated code Type-Defect Priority-Critical
5 Invalid The Biochemical Experiment tool is out of date. Needs to be re-worked. Type-Defect Priority-Critical
4 Invalid Need icon on the Universal Console tool Type-Defect Priority-Critical
3 Fixed Project tool local directory does not update when a folder is created Type-Defect Priority-Critical
2 Invalid Extra icons on the model prop file editor Type-Defect Priority-Critical
1 Fixed Hidden files and dirs are visible in the project tool Type-Defect Priority-Critical