turnip-town - issue #63
Own rss-website-feeds should need a good name + 'clickbox' for linklist into a tabscreen
Description of new feature. 1.Own rss-feeds can already be added but there is no beautifull name for the rss-feed. 2. The rss-link should need to have to option : 'link clickbox' next to 'text pastebox', so the link can be opend music into a normal internet browser.
What is the expected output? For http://abcdigmusic.net.au/rss_feeds works perfect 'just played music'= http://www.abc.net.au/dig/xml/ABC%20Dig%20MusicJustPlayedRSS.xml but the website that is added to the feed can not be opened because all links or only text. So with the 'click box' the feed can be read an the link to the website can be opened into an internet browser.
Please provide any additional information below. When links can be read in a 'clickbox' there would be also possible to go to video-website rss-links like http://www.garagetv.be/video-galerij/recentvideos_rss.aspx to get the latest video-movies
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 4, 2010 by Quick Bear(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Accepted