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turnip-town - issue #37

Last.fm playlist/loved tracks support.

Posted on Mar 20, 2010 by Quick Bear

What steps will reproduce the problem? Ability to load and save playlists to and from last.fm would be a nice idea. Adding the ability to veiw your and others loved tracks from the my last.fm page would be handy to.

Also, integrating a newer version of pylastfm into the program is a decent idea, there is a newer version at google code.

Comment #1

Posted on Jul 6, 2010 by Happy Cat

Here is an idea for the loved tracks. Doesn't show all the loved tracks,the "limit" is at fifty, but I think changeable.

http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/user/......User....../lovedtracks.rss or this... http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getlovedtracks&user=.....UserName............&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026

Got the second one from the API:


or the playlist page http://www.last.fm/api/show?service=271


You probably already looked at all this stuff :P, but just in case, there it is.

Comment #2

Posted on Jul 6, 2010 by Quick Bear

Yeah, I was just too lazy to figure out a way to display the next page. I'll get around to it sometime.

Status: Accepted

Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium