This project is no longer being actively maintained
The guys over at Moxie Group suggest you take a look at GWT Uploader for a modern replacement for this project. It will make use of modern HTML5 APIs for file uploading whenever they are available.
swfupload-gwt provides GWT developers a Java interface to make use of the SWFUpload library. SWFUpload is a system for enhanced browser-based file uploads using Macromedia Flash Player to add additional capabilities beyond what standard web browsers provide.
This project is based on version SWFUpload version 2.2.0 which is compatible with the new security restrictions in Flash 10.
There is a basic quick-start guide to get you going.
This project is now built with Maven2
Maven repository - Snapshots
Maven repository - Releses
Releases will be posted to the download section. If you're project uses maven, use the configuration below.
``` swfupload-gwt-snapshots SWFUpload-GWT snapshot releases http://swfupload-gwt.googlecode.com/svn/maven/snapshots true
org.swfupload swfupload-gwt 1.1-SNAPSHOT provided ```